African-American/Black Class of 2012 (HS) Thread

<p>You took the words right out of my mouth… happily failing us. No joke, one of my teachers rarely smiles, except for when he passes out random quizzes that he KNOWS we will all fail (and we do). But of course, his response is, “it’s ok, there will be plenty more opportunities to get your grades up.” It’s a two month course. We’re half way through and there’s been no indication of an increase in the class avg.</p>


<p>College process is going good so far, I guess. I can’t seem to finish the supplement for my top school though -___- But I applied to my second top school Saturday. :smiley: Wednesday I’m having my counselor send my transcript in to Arizona State.</p>

<p>But aww I feel bad for you two!! I’m trying to switch out of my 1st period class but I’m afraid my counselor will just laugh at me and say, “You should have asked to switch WEEKS ago”. Ugh.</p>

<p>Already sent all my college applications and stuff, so now I get to enjoy the world of uncertainty and suspense of waiting for “the letter.”</p>

<p>^lolz. So at least i’m not the only one.
The teachers are crazy.
I just hope that I don’t get any C’s or D’s. If I do I’ll seriously cry in my classes, especially math and history. </p>

<p>and I hope that your class issue gets fixed. A two month course does not give anybody enough time to fix their grades.</p>

<p>Darn these teachers, we’ll be done with them soon enough. :)</p>


<p>you’re amazing. I finished most of my apps, but I can’t submit them for a while. I heard that the wait is the hardest part of the whole application/college hunt season.</p>

<p>Hi LaChica!
You’re lucky that you can even switch classes. My schedule consists of two year courses, so it’s the same thing as junior year! lolz
And I have not done my RD apps. I don’t know what to write anymore. lolz
But it’s great that your college application process is going well! </p>

<p>and I changed my college list for the last time!</p>

<p>I’m only about a week into the wait phase, so every time I get an email from the school, I get a bit worried, only to discover it’s another “come apply to our school!” email. They probably send those kinds of things to people on purpose just to mess with them.</p>

<p>@Thugnificent: I’m j. What schools did you apply to?</p>

<p>Yea, gl to you too Rose. Ima pray for us lol.</p>

<p>Man, Thugnificent (love the Boondocks haha) and Chica are on the ball, already applying and everything. I’m definitely slacking -_-.</p>

<p>University of Michigan, UMaryland-CP, WashU in St. Louis, and Syracuse. I got a couple others, but the first three are the ones I’m going for.</p>

<p>Thugnificent, I’m applying to Syracuse as well! It’s one of my top choices (I want to get into NewHouse).</p>

<p>@Kali, thank you. :slight_smile: I shall do the same.</p>

<p>@Rose: What happened to Northeastern!?</p>

<p>Good luck to all of you!! :)</p>

<p>It’s still on my list.
Here, let me break it down</p>

Boston University**
NESCOM (new england school of communications)
Umass Amherst

<p>the star things are my ratings. 3 star, 2 star, no star.
So I still like NEU, just not as much as I once did. I told myself that I can not fall in love with one college, otherwise if I don’t get in i’ll feel like i’m settling for anything else, and then i’ll feel like a failure for life. So i’m not falling in love with colleges anymore. lolz</p>

<p>Hello everyone, joining the thread. My college app process is slowly coming to an end. I’ve applied to: Marquette University, Ohio State, Carthage, and University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. I’m still working on my University of Illinois - Urbana, and Indiana University-Bloomington app.</p>

<p>Welcome to the thread classy!
It’s great to know that your process is going well so far :)</p>

<p>Yay, applied to 3 out of my 7 colleges so far. Applying to the 4th next week. :slight_smile:
How’s everything going for you guys?</p>

<p>@Black: Did you deactivate your fb!?</p>

<p>Nah, I returned today. :)</p>

<p>Ugh, I just noticed today that I have like nothing done compared to all that must be done.</p>

<p>I’m applying to 8 schools, submitted 1.
waiting for oct SATs to come out to submit 3 more EA, then 2 more dec 1 deadline schools, then 2 RD.</p>

<p>Oh shoot, you just reminded me about the upcoming Oct. SAT results…</p>

<p>^They come out on the 20th, right?</p>

<p>yupp !
My list:
SUNY albany
SUNY stony brook
U Hartford and Fordham (cuz they had free apps ^___^)