African-American High School Class of 2016

Top choice would definitely be Johns Hopkins University

I want to know if you guys have gone on college tours and if you have what school did you see and what were your thoughts. I have to tour of a couple of schools in two weeks and I’m pretty excited for it.

I’m visiting JHU this Saturday @Prospective1998! I live in-state so I drive by it fairly often, but I have never actually seen the campus lol.

@ellesea My college list is fairly long, but I have Princeton as my SCEA school! A close second is Harvard, and then Columbia. We’ll have to see what happens!

Any other IB kids here??

@ellesea I visited Georgetown last Friday for the first time and I was pleasantly surprised. I did not expect such a beautiful campus with practically Ivy League credentials to be so close to home. Heck, if I got into UMD (my EA in-state school) and Georgetown RD, I’ll take Georgetown in a heartbeat. That’s how amazed I was! I also visited UMD two weeks ago and it was a rainy day so I can’t really say much. I like their Honors College Program and they have a nice full scholarship program for in-state students!

@Princetonian2020 I should’ve guessed Princeton from the username, duh! I’m visiting Georgetown and American on my tour and I couldn’t be more excited! What exactly were you expecting when you visited? I don’t want to go there with an expectation, but I’m naturally curious.

Awesome! @ellesea I haven’t exactly seen American, but it is my safety school and I have been to their info session at a hotel near my home. I think American is a great school regardless!

Um, for Georgetown I had fairly low expectations and assumed it was similar to UMD in terms of prestige and campus vibe. I fell in love with Georgetown more than I like UMD! I loved their pre-med program and how you don’t have to take the mcat with them :slight_smile: and also at georgetown the level of internships avaliable are crazy. i have a love for all things international relations and politics in addition to my prospective major of something in the sciences and i love the atmosphere. Only downside is that it is too close to home XD

@Princetonian2020 I wish it were close too close to home for me! I’m also interested in International Relations and Georgetown sounds amazing. So what makes up your perfect school (Princeton)? What are you looking for in a college?

Well the element of prestige that Princeton has is amazing as it is the #1 school in the country right now (I think, I’ll have to double check on that). And also, I went to the school when I had practically trash SAT and ACT scores just to see what it looks like (I had no hope of getting in last year because I had a 1890 SAT score lol). But regardless, I was enamored by the campus vibe and the architecture at the school. Their science department has amazing opportunities and I would love to take full advantage of the study abroad at Oxford program if I go their. Now that my scores are more competitive, I see Princeton with an even brighter light.

A lot of the other things I like about Princeton are fairly trivial though. Like their colors, how their mascot is a Tiger, etc. The main thing was I felt like I belonged when I went there and I haven’t felt like that at any other of my college visits. I haven’t seen any Ivy besides Princeton yet…but that feeling is still unprecedented :slight_smile:

@ellesea What about you? What do you look for in a college?

@Curlynizzle Same for psych haha. what school are you applying to at cornell for ed. I’m doing human ecology!

@Princetonian2020 I’m looking for an environment that will challenge me to do better and be better and I also want a community that I can surround myself with that includes students, faculty, and guidance that will be there for me academically and emotionally. I want a place where I’m not a number but I can still walk around campus and feel like there are so many people for me to interact with and learn from. I’m looking for diversity in all kinds: ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, income level, religious beliefs, etc. because I want to hear about other points of views and let their ideas give me a better understanding of what is actually out their in the world pass my suburb. I want a place near a city because there is something about a cosmopolitan feel that makes me believe that I’m a part of something bigger and better and I think that living there will be an experience that I can grow from.

So…yeah. Hopefully when I tour colleges, I can find what I’m looking for.

Hey guys, I’m new here but y’all seem like a great group

Welcome aboard @QueenN22! What’s your schedule like for next year?

I’m taking
AP Calc BC
AP Lit
AP Chemistry
AP Psychology
Calculus 3 (I guess multivariable calculus but I’m not sure)
Gym/Health (requirement)
An arbitrary English class that isn’t really academic (Gifted and Talented) but more based on outside the curriculum

I’m new here too. Hey everyone (:
I’m taking:
AP Calc BC
AP Chem
AP Lang
AP Seminar
Business Co-op Class Work/Study

My top choices through Questbridge are Stanford, Yale, Princeton, U Penn, Northwestern, U of Chicago, USC, and Emory. And outside of QB I’m applying to Harvard, Wash U, UVA, JHU, Cornell, Columbia, Brown, and UW Madison. Needless to stay I’ve already gotten very busy with essays (:

I miss you guys! How are your summers going?

@ethiopienne do you have waivers or a scholarship for those schools? In terms of the application fee

My choices so far are UPenn, Vanderbilt, Tufts, Northwestern, Barnard College, Boston College and a state public school

Same @QueenN22. Tufts and Vanderbilt are some of my choices as well!

@QueenN22 I’m with you on Barnard and Tufts!

Seems like alot of people in the class of 2016 is into Tufts.
@ellesea Yeah! :smiley: I only recently learned about Barnard mid this year but it is literally perfect. Tbh Barnard and Tufts are the schools I really hope I get into

Meant *Yay