African-American High School Class of 2016

Can you post the link to your chances thread? Princeton is my dream too and I honestly just want to see what I’m up against. @Princetonian2020

Sure! You should chance me while you are at it :slight_smile: @ayo1998

Also if you want you should make a chances thread so I could help you out and see my competition as well :wink: @ayo1998 jk but, honestly it’d be cool.

I have a rediculously low gpa though… no Cs on my transcript just a lot of Bs and A-'s i took 3 AP’s last year and i was wondering if my SAT would help… or just make me look lazy to top schols…

Ello, Princeton senior here. Just checking out the chatter cuz it’s been a while… lol. It’s cool to see some of your are interested in Princeton, so if you have any questions about anything, feel free to reach out! It would probably be more helpful for everyone to ask your questions on this thread, but it’s unlikely I’ll check this very often. I’ll definitely respond to anyone who PMs me, though.

Btw, in regard to SATs score, the higher the better, of course. But even if your scores are in the 1900s, as mine were, don’t hesitate to send those apps in*. You never know!

*make sure those personal statements are bomb doe.

Guys make this thread alive again! We have some huge shoes to fill because the AA Class of 2015 rocked it!

@Princetonian2020 There’s always a spark and then we just fizz out! We need something that will keep us all together and help us reach our goals!

@ellesea So true! Haha, so what does everyone’s senior schedules look like?

Mine is:
AP Macroeconomics
AP Microeconomics
AP English Language and Comp (possibly online, but i get to decide in november if i can handle it)
IB Theory of Knowledge (Year 2)
IB Mathematics HL (Year 2)
IB English HL (Year 2)
IB Biology HL (Year 2)
IB Spanish HL (Year 2) — testing SL
IB History of the Americas (Year 2)

The IB Motto: AP is a course, IB is a lifestyle. Lol.

@Princetonian2020 Here’s what mine MIGHT look like. Emphasis on the might, a lot of things are changing in my school this year :confused:

AP English Lit
AP Env. Science
AP US Gov.
AP Art History
Hon. Econ. (we don’t have AP)
Newspaper IV Hon.
AICE Sociology
College Algebra (dual enrollment)

AP US.Gov.
AP Psychology
AP Physics 1
AP Macroeconomics
Honors Lit 4
Honors Microbiology

btw what did you guys get on your AP exams this year?

Is there a white class of 2016 thread?

@whuff24 not specifically, but there is at least a general thread Here’s the link:

@writer2020 lol it was a joke

@whuff24 lol I figured but posted the link to be safe in case someone got upset by it

This is pretty tentative, but:

AP U.S. Gov/Micro (class is divided into a semester of each)
AP English Literature
AP Human Geography
AP Physics I
AICE Spanish
AP Statistics

That’s awesome guys! What are you top choice schools?

AP Calculus BC
AP French Language and Culture
AP U.S Government/Microeconomics
AP Biology
AP European History
AP Comparative Politics
Top Choice: Cornell ED if not than probably UVA or Georgetown

@Gatortristan I’m with you on Georgetown! With UChicago, Barnard, Tufts, and Wellesley as EXTREMELY close seconds. What about you @Princetonian2020

wow i wish i was more involved with this site before now. this is so great that there is a thread like this. for aps i’ve only taken:
AP Psych, 4 on the exam. slightly disappointed cause thought i got a 5, but i slacked off in that class so i’ll take the 4
will be taking senior year:
AP Econ
AP Gov
AP Lit
AP German.
as you can tell i’m trying to increase the amount of aps lol. i think i’ll do well in them though because the content in those classes i will enjoy. nearly all of the colleges i will be applying to are reaches because the in state colleges are okay. planning on applying to:
Cornell University ED
Duke University RD
John Hopkins University RD
UNC Chapel Hill EA
UC Berkeley RD
Emory University RD
University of Georgia EA
Georgia State University EA
Georgia Tech, only applying cause dad wants to see if i get in (he went there).
Last four are in states. For anyone trying to apply to emory, i dont really think it’s worth it. you’re paying the same amount as an ivy league education but not getting it lol. if you get a decent amount of aid or scholarship money then i say go for it. only reason i’m applying is in hopes to getting scholarship and/or aid money if i were to get in. honestly expecting to get into GSU or UGA because i didn’t try as hard as i should have in school. pretty much did it backwards, instead of trying my hardest and slacking off senior year as most do, i’ve been doing it for the last 3 years. kind of improved second semester junior year. now i have to give it my all senior year and hope for the best. i’ll give my gpa/sat/etc. although they’re crappy. maybe it’ll motivate someone.
GPA: 3.6; if i get all a’s, i’ll have a 3.7 by the end of senior year. don’t know if it’ll matter then lol
SAT:…1590…it was a bad day okay and it was my first time, excuses lol. definitely taking it in october, i have no choice. last time to bring it up for the colleges i actually care about. guess i’ll come back later and let you guys know what happened. with college and sat. yeah, i know i’m reaching.