African-American High School Class of 2016

I hope u get in!

@GeekBeauty‌ Yeah I’m taking ap calc ab starting after ap exams along with ap environmental and ap art history.

@Gatortristan‌ cool,r u taking those online or summer school? Tell how environmental ap goes.i was thinking of doing that class but I heard its mathy and well,I suck in math lol.

bringbackthethread I'm glad to see that we have united under a hashtag.

lol #kwasi2016

@slytherclaw12 I applied for the humanities program but that would have been awesome if we just happened to be in the same program. I seriously almost applied for the spanish one but the humanities program appealed to me a little bit more

@GeekBeauty‌ Thanks!! Oh and you should consider VCU its a great school and sooo nice. I visited their open house about a month ago and they paid for my lunch so, therefore, I think very highly of that school lol

I live near Richmond (Glen Allen) so I’m not trying to go to VCU or U of R as I see them too much.

@YoAdriaaaaan‌ I almost applied for the life science/medicine one. Also the Spanish program conflicts with Boy State so if I get into both, I’ll have to choose.

@YoAdriaaaaan‌ ur welcome,It think that part of my post was confusing,but I’m definitely applying vcu.i was saying may it’s a reach school for me.
Sometimes I think it’s a target sometimes a reach.its a

@Slytherclaw12‌ I know how you feel.there are some great schools in my area,but everybody goes there and I see/hear about them all the mizzou,washUstl & umsl(I live not even 5 mins from there.seriously) out for me.

@Slytherclaw12‌ and @GeekBeauty‌ I feel the same way about William and Mary. I live pretty close to it and I know it’s a great school but, in all honesty, I’m trying to get out of Virginia

@YoAdriaaaaan‌ @Slytherclaw12‌ how far out of state do u want to go? Do u still want to stay in DMV?
A lot of the schools are far because of my majors.

I’ve come up with a personal rule that I’m not allowed to go west of the MS River for undergrad.

Is anybody touring during spring break? I’m going to see Yale, Brown, Tufts, and Boston College.

I wiiiiiisssssshhhhhh,but I’m going to be looking and applying into programs for the school year and the summer.

I know in my area the local museums,zoo,hospitals and botanical gradern have summer and during the school year.its a great way to get involved and get volunteer hours.
Just throwing that out there if anybody still looking ;:wink:

I’m probably not going that far west or south at all. Just northeast really. As far as Rhode Island anyways

I’m incredibly jealous of you guys that you still have Spring Break. I had mine during the first week in March :frowning: Private school woes

Trust me,public school is not all that,least not mine.
So my district offers some online classes.So I went to sign up for art history and an adv. lit/comp class.One of my teachers talked me out of the lit./comp class because it’s basically a AP class without the im only doing Spanish and art history online for the moment. sighs they don’t make getting academic honors easy…
Oh well byu it is then…

General question: Do you guys think that, if I don’t play a varsity sport during high school or if me quitting a sport that I’ve played since 7th grade will reflect negatively on admissions people?

@YoAdriaaaaan‌ Do you have a reason or did you get too busy? I don’t think it matters really.

@Slytherclaw12‌ I was sort of pressured into doing it because my school is super athletic and they encourage all their students to play at least one sport. This year I finally realized I’m not an athlete but I feel like just quitting after already being chosen to be on the team (probably one of the worst players but still) is rude?? I don’t know

@YoAdriaaaaan‌ do whatever makes u happy,I don’t think admissions will care too much if you quit or not.I think admissions will want someone with a few ecs that they excel at and enjoy over one with a lot that they are mediocre at.

Random question:
Does anybody have activities/ clubs/ sports pick you for colleges? Things you know you want to do or be apart of? I have few in mind but I’m curious and really want to get to know you guys. :))

@GeekBeauty‌ what do you mean? Like activities that we want to continue doing in college?