African-American High School Class of 2016

@planner03‌ thank you, thank you, thank you!

@YoAdriaaaaan‌ I got into Spanish Academy!

@Slytherclaw12‌ That’s great!! How did you hear back?

@YoAdriaaaaan‌ I got a letter that was postmarked April 1st.

@Gatortristan‌ I feel confident for all except calc. I plan on starting to study soon because there’s only a month left.

@Slytherclaw12‌ omg congrats!! That awesome!

@Slytherclaw12 I got into the humanities program! Words cannot even express how excited I am. :smiley:

To keep us from dying of anxiousness over impending responsibilities, here are some questions: 1) If you could have anyone locked in a room so that you could torment them for a day, who would you choose and how would you torment them? 2) Do you feel that children should be sheltered from unhappiness? 3) If you could have personally witnessed anything, what would you want to have seen? 4) What question do you hate to answer? 5) Have you ever eaten a crayon or glue? Or what strange thing have you eaten?

@ellesea 1)Bush did 9/11 2)Jet fuel can’t melt steel bars 3)Dick Chaney profited off the Iraq War 4)Illuminati confirmed 5)7

@Gatortristan lmaoooo

@Gatortristan :)) that was unexpected and funny

lol i couldn’t help myself

Anyone taking APs?

taking 3 this year @YoAdriaaaaan

taking 3 periods of AP this year

7-psychology,computer sicence a, statistics, human geography, physics 1 ,u.s. history, macroeconomics

Where are you guys thinking about applying?

@Slytherclaw12 Mostly schools in the northeast. My biggest ones (by biggest I mean the highest reaches) are Georgetown and UChicago (part of why I said MOSTLY northeast). Where are you thinking about applying and for what major?

@ellesea I’m mainly focused on finding reach schools because my match and safety schools are done for the most part.
Match: University of Virginia, William and Mary, and maybe BC

For reaches I’m considering Duke, Georgetown, and maybe an Ivy or two.

CORNELL ED…brown/penn/georgetown/UF/ucf