African-American High School Class of 2016

Pitt, UMD, VCU, Amherst, Spelman, Howard, Northeastern, Smith, Bryn Mawr, Brown, and Penn :D/

Cornell ED

UW-Madison, Twin Cities, Duke, Cornell, Stanford, Princeton, Yale, U Penn, U of Chicago, USC, Emory, UVA, Columbia and deciding between JHU or Northwestern ED

I’m jealous of those of you who are applying ED. I’ll apply EA to any of my schools that offer it, but the prospect of applying ED scares me because I feel like I won’t get enough financial aid

I need nearly a full ride to attend any schools out of state, but I am qualified for a ton of need based aid based on my financial situation. BUT, with ED you can opt out of your contract if you don’t receive enough financial aid. That’s what I’m banking on…But hopefully the net price calculators are accurate and I get accepted and don’t need to worry about that! @YoAdriaaaaan

Are any of you guys taking/ have taken SAT subject tests?

I’m taking Bio, US History, and Spanish next month.

I’m taking Math I, US History, and World History next month and then Eng. Lit and French with Listening in Nov.

taking us history and biology e sometime before november

I’m nervous bc my test scores are so low. I wish it didn’t matter so much

Is anyone going to take the SAT in October? My scores are still not good enough.

@Skylar789 , I am. I took it back in May and got a 2170, and although I’m pretty happy with that score, I feel like a 2200+ would put me in a really good position.

@Prospective1998, I’m so jealous of your 2170. I just got my scores back from June and I got an 1950. Hopefully by October I can get a 2200+ too. What did you do to get such a great score?

Honestly, I got that 2170 on my second try, but I had already prepared so much for my very first SAT that by the time May rolled around, I was pretty much set as I’d retained a lot of what I’d taught myself. But as for actual prep materials, I found the huge blue College Board SAT prep book to be really helpful, what with all of the practice tests. I’d also recommend the Powerscore SAT Math Bible, but you might not need it (I suck at math. Plain and simple).

Thanks for the suggestions! I’m bad at math too so I’ll look into the math bible, and luckily I just bought the blue book yesterday so I have a lot of studying to do during the summer.

Same! But I’m sure it’ll all pay off come October.

@Skylar789 @Prospective1998 I’m also taking the SAT again in November. It’ll be my 3rd and definitely last time. My score didn’t go up much from my first to my second time and I was dissapointed.

do you guys think a 2250 would be solid to apply to a few top tier schools?

@nfhd11214367p0i Don’t be silly. A 2250 is a solid score for every school in the country.

I got a 2100 on the SAT in June and a 32 on the ACT in June as well…I have a chances thread if you guys want to see the rest of my stats. Honestly, I just want to get into Princeton SCEA and be done with everything. LOL.

I don’t think I’m that competitive considering my test scores, but I am trying my best. Princeton has been my dream for AGES.