African-American High School Class of 2018

Hey guys!

My College List:

  1. Columbia University
  2. Duke University
  3. Johns Hopkins University (In-State)
  4. Spelman University
  5. Howard University

I plan to take the ACT in May, and then again in June. If i’m still not satisfied with my score then i’ll take it again in October.

BTW i got to a 400-600 size high school. My school is about 90% black and 10% hispanic. Unfortunately not all the kids there care about education, but i’m not apart of that group.
Most of the kids that actually go to college go to University of Maryland- College Park, Morgan State, Howard, Towson, etc

@TACOBOO from Maryland too!!! I highly doubt from your school though. But I would just like to add that whilst I may not attend your school, the stats for college-bound students from my school are pretty similar.

Hey guys! I just took another ACT practice test. Last weekend I scored a 27 (34E 25M 23R 27S) with little to no studying; this weekend, I scored a 31(35E 31M 32R 26S) with only a week of studying. I’m so happy my score improved so much (by 4 points) I hope that with one more week of studying before the actual test that I’ll be able to score around a 34.

@angelwings0137 I’m taking the ACT February 28th and I’m absolutely lost when it comes to studying for it, what’s your study routine, even for each section?

@ivakk I don’t exactly have a specific routine. I just do at least 1 hour a day of studying and practice questions on the ACT’s official prep website. It should come up when you search “online act prep” on google. They have a study plan that I follow. Sorry if that’s not much help. Keep in mind that I haven’t actually taken the real ACT before. These were just practice tests.

Hey guys! Another African-American junior here. Just wanted to pop in and say hi so I can give/get advice whenever I need to. :slight_smile:

@missacademy2018 Welcome!

Just want to send out a reminder that the Questbridge College Prep app has opened! It’s specifically for low-income Juniors and comes with the possibility of free summer programs, mentoring, and college visits if selected.

@Hamlon Yeah, I’m working on that application now. Sooo many questions ~X( I had no idea it was so extensive, but I’m glad I started on it now. Sheesh!

CC has been screwing with my posting abilities. Anyways; here I am, Somali junior from MN. Are we going to state who we are , where we go to school to and our plans for world domination? (I ask so I can overthrow you in the future, gain the worlds favour and become a benevolent dictator. I’m diabolical.)

I have a serious dislike for CC, but I’ve met some awesome people on here (the only reason I use this website. I love Reddit lol.

I am a junior from Oklahoma. I love learning about medicine and protesting.

@aspiringgirl I love protesting too, but the anarchists and other opportunists can make things go downhill real fast. The Dallas thing last summer still has me shook.

Hey there guys!

Apparently the Common App has recently released the essay prompts for next year’s application which will be live starting August 1. You might want to take a peek just so you can have them in mind as you start to form ideas for them.

omg same.

Thank you so much for this list!

Well done!

Hey guys!

I’m African, not American. I got to a pretty small school ( almost 90 people ) in my class, 90% white.

Not really sure about my list of colleges, I’ll decide on that when I get my SAT score back (I’ll be taking it in May).

@Kh521k Lol :)) Pro-tip: putting ‘@username’ in front of your reply will send specific people a notification.

You don’t have to wait until the SAT to make a college list! Visit schools to get a general sense for the types of schools you like and make a list of safeties. (Schools you know you’ll get into, be able to afford, and enjoy attending).

@Hamlon haha I was wondering why my replies didn’t look like everyone else’s

I was just wondering: how important is it for you all to have a lot of other black students at the college you eventually choose?

At my visit to UPenn last week, I noticed a sizable community of other black women (mainly because I was walking with my friend who goes there who is also black), but they seemed pretty segregated. I saw a few multiracial groups of friends (which is what I’m used to), but not that much. There weren’t many black men there at all. I saw maybe five, and they were all together.

I’m seeking a diverse group like what I have now in high school. I was the “token black girl” as a child and I really don’t want to go back to that, but I don’t want to be in an enclave either. :-<