African-American High School Class of 2018

We’re less than a year away from the start of Senior drama/stress! I just want to put out a list of (free/inexpensive) resources/programs some of y’all might be interested in:

Carnegie Mellon Summer Diversity Programs
Kettering AIM/LITE
Questbridge College Prep AND College Match
Ron Brown Scholarship
Girls Who Code Summer Immersion
-UNCF STEM Scholarship
-UNCF Koch Scholars
Jack Kent Cooke
Coca-Cola Scholars
RMHC Scholar
Dell Scholar
Summer Science Program (SSP)
NIH/NIEHS Internship
Roswell Park Summer Cancer Research
Jackson Lab Summer Student Program
Boston University RISE Internship/Practicum

Free College Mentoring(Bloomberg Philanthropies):
-College Advising Corps
-College Possible

Anyone have any other programs to suggest?

Just joined this thread! I saw @Hamlon on the MITES thread. I go to a majority white and East Asian school and whenever I talk about schools I want to get in to, people say “oh you’re black so you will get in”. I hope to get some more helpful feedback here :slight_smile:

Some other great summer programs are in state gov schools.

@Hamlon What a great list and so nice of you to share! I like how you strive to keep the group engaged.

I would add these listed below (not sure of deadlines but will list for future classes):

Disney Dreamers Academy
Morehouse Precollege Leadership Program
Bezos Scholars at the Aspen Institute
Oxbridge Study Abroad (they have a specific scholarship for African American students)
RPI Preface (engineering students)
Notre Dame Leadership Seminar
High School Diplomats
Bank of America Student Leaders (specific locations)
US Naval Academy Summer Seminar (for those interested in military)
Wishbone Program (CA, CT, NY students only I think, interesting crowdfunding process)
LEDA (deadline has passed but the golden ticket of them all!)

Students/Parents - Please share with the group to which programs you have applied or are considering. If you attend come back and leave feedback.

@magnetnh Would you mind explaining to me what exactly what the Bank of America Student Leader program is? I tried doing some research on it myself, but i was unable to get a clear answer

Hello everyone. @Hamlon and @magnetnh, nice of both of you to share information.

I am the parent of a S18, but have already been through the process twice with S15 and S16. I look forward to sharing another journey with the class of 2018 and am happy to help in any way I can!

@dannydalt64 From what I understand the Bank of America Student Leaders program provides a paid internship to students in certain markets. You’ll have to see if your location is included in the program. The local branch picks the specific non-profit for the paid internship. There is also a week leadership conference in Washington DC which is all expenses paid. In our market I believe one of the internship options is the local Boys and Girls club. Hope that helps. There are various posts here on CC about it as well, so do a search for those.

@planner03 Looking forward to sharing the journey! Please share with us some tips from your experiences with S15 and S16. Where are they now? Majors? All suggestions are welcome!

Just like Lisa M I joined from the MITES thread! Thank you for posting so many resources @Hamlon which programs will you be applying too?

@ChemistryKing7 This year I’m applying to:

Carnegie Mellon Summer Diversity
Kettering AIM/LITE
Questbridge CP
Bank of America Student Leaders
TASP? (I went to TASS last year)
Ron Brown
Summer Science Program (SSP)
Boston University RISE Internship/Practicum
LEDA (already applied)

@Hamlon have u been able to access the QB college prep application? I made an acc but it said “no applications available” or something like that

@neonerudite Same. I was so excited to see the ‘begin application’ link, but then realized the app wasn’t open yet. I think it will be open in early February when they no longer have to work with the seniors?

@ Hamlon for Bank of America Student Leaders do you know which non profits are covered in your market location? For Carnegie Mellon SAMS have you looked at the application? S18 and I looked it over this week and of my it appears complicated with the separate scholarship portion and application fee of which I am not a fan! S18 would apply for Art and the portfolio requirements are also a bit much. He is thinking he will pass on it, which is sad since it has been on his radar since freshman year. Which discipline is your focus?

@magnetnh Did you go to the Diversity section? The regular summer program and summer programs for diversity sites are nearly identical. I don’t recall having to submit an application fee or separate scholarship portion for SAMS or EA because they are free($200 for textbooks) through the diversity program. It was just a short online form and supplements I have to send on my own.

@Hamlon Wow, that’s a nice list of programs you have haha. I’m going to be applying for MITES//MOSTEC/E2 too, and possibly SAMS.

Would you happen to have any idea of how many former TASSers are applying to TASP? I haven’t heard that much talk about it from the kids in my TASS.

Also, do you know if going to TASS affects your chances at TASP. I’ve heard some ppl say it helps, while others proclaim they prefer new students who haven’t gotten the chance to participate in a Telluride program yet; I keep on getting different answers

@dannydalt64 Someone from a couple years ago said all the tass kids at least make it to the interview round, but idk. My tass isn’t that excited about the tasp offerings. They are pretty weird this year? I don’t have it that high up my list right now. Honestly, I’d rather turn in no application than a really bad one.

@ Hamlon I think the difference may be that you could be applying for the Math and Science portion. S18 would apply to the Art program. I will look again in the morning but what he showed me seemed like an exhaustive application with an application fee.

Hi everyone! I’m an African American from class of 2017. I just stumbled on here and thought I should share some other opportunities to take advantage of senior year.

-Disney Dreamers Academy is due every October! Not 100% sure what it consists of but I was selected as a dreamer and will be going to Disney World for free for 3 nights 4 days and attending seminars.

-2017 national scholarship! It’s due in March every year. it’s through the nanbpwc, an organization for African Americans

-Ronald McDonald: there’s a specific scholarship category for blacks

-USC black alumni association if you’re interested in USC

-Elk scholarship most valuable student (open to all ethnicities) can get $4000- $50000 and a trip to Chicago for those lucky few

-Jackie Robinson scholarship: $28,000

-dell scholarship (if you take part in a college access program) can earn you a free dell laptop and money every year!

-jack kent Cooke scholarship: $40000 per year!!!
-Horacio Alger scholarship: lots of money, I forget how much

-churches chicken scholars: $1000 can put a dent in your financial aid… trust

-Ron brown!! Also a lot of money

-QUESTBRIDGE!!! I can not stress this program and my love for it enough. If you are low income then you need to apply for this scholarship. It’s a full ride to some of the best colleges in the nation (think: Yale, Brown, USC, Pomona College, Vanderbilt, MIT, Stanford, ect.) I was selected as a finalist and went through the whole process. Unfortunately, I didn’t get a full ride, but I met an amazing group of people who still help me with life and make me laugh 2 months later. ALSO! I applied to 15 schools for $0 when application fee go for basically $70 and up

Lastly, take advantage of as many fly in programs possible! Schools like Pitzer College, Columbia, Emory, and John Hopkins will fly you to their campus and let you stay with a host student for a whole weekend FOR FREE!! These programs are great and introduce you to the campus in ways you might not have the chance to (if you live far and are low income) My biggest regret is not taking advantage of these schools’ diversity programs.

That’s all from me. Good luck future seniors. Take this word of advice from a current senior: Your final year can be brutal or chill depending what you make of it. Most you will make it brutal by taking hardcore classes, I know I did. But no matter what, start your applications early. The common app and University of California prompts are virtually the same every year. Get started on it as a junior and have a teacher or trusted adult look it over so you can revise over the summer. YOU WILL LOVE YOURSELF FOR NOT HAVING TO SPEND HALLOWEEN, THANKSGIVING AND/ OR NEW YEARS DOING APPLICATIONS

if you have and questions feel free to msg me (ps I’m new to CC so I’ll probably lag af)

Hey Everyone!!! I’m a Nigerian-American (First Gen) I got to a pretty mixed school! 700 kids I’m my class, also a public school

My dream schools are:

@heysaykayy24 great information. TY