African-American HS Class of 2020

@havingfunyet Thank you for your kind words and congratulations on the Great outcomes so far.

The Howard financial aid package was in my son’s spam folder this morning and I am a little shook. My son received the Presidential Scholarship at Howard (tuition, room & board, books, and fees all paid for and a $1,000 per semester stipend). I am beyond thankful for such a fantastic outcome for my son and I am rooting for this entire thread just like I would for my family.

Wow! Great news @ChangeTheGame

@ChangeTheGame CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so happy for you guys! I’m praying for a similar outcome.

@ChangeTheGame congrats. That is an amazing deal at Howard. They are actually going to pay your son to attend that is amazing. My DC got into Case Western Reserve University with of $30,000.00 in scholarship. Also got into 8 other great schools. Hoping for more money from CWRU.

@holychild Our niece and dear friend’s daughter is at CWRU. Both finished their first semester and loved it. Sounds like a special place.

@ChangeTheGame I jumped on the computer like Christmas and DS award email was in Spam. Oh Howard, we got to do better. He got tution covered!!! That’s what we were hoping for based on grades and score. Congratulations on your son’s full ride!! What an awesome opportunity!!

@havingfunyet Full tuition at Howard is the 100K+ gift that keeps on giving.

@holychild Sounds like your child will have some great options to choose from. Is Case Western your DC’s number #1 school?

@Sarrip Continue to hunt for the money. It is not easy to find it, but finding it can definitely be a game-changer.

@CottonTales Thank you so much. Your kid’s final outcome was so spectacular, and I am thankful that you still give your input, experiences, and congratulations to us posters that still have a long way to go to have an independent adult superstar child such as yourself.

Wow Congrats to everyone whose DC have been accepted and received such great packages!!! And prayers for those still waiting.

Hopefully DD21 has the same wonderful outcomes as you all have been having. Learning a lot through all of your experiences. So thank you for sharing all that you do!!

@EGHopeful - Many of us were sitting back and learning last year and time just flew and here we are.
This has been a ride. I am so grateful that DD20 took all of her ACT & SAT, and visited all schools except for 4 last minute additions prior to senior year so she could focus on her essays, applications and school work. All RD apps are in and now we just wait. Even with the wait we are so grateful to have the EA acceptances. Good luck to you and your DD21.

@ChangeTheGame CWRU is #1 right now but even with the generous merit award it’s still outside the budget. DC has been accepted to our state flagship which is within budget.

@holychild Just know that we are rooting for more money from CWRU, but it is nice to have an affordable option already in the bag.

I’ve been on vacation and hadn’t checked in for a minute. While I am now an empty nestor (my S was a 2019 graduate and my D will be a 2022 graduate), this thread brings me so much joy! Congratulations to you all and Happy New Year!

Hello All, While I know that some of you have are squared away and have solid decisions secured, I’m still waiting for RD which seems like I’ve been waiting forever. It’s been quite quiet in this group and frankly I miss the encouragement, positivity and excitement. Anyone else still waiting?

My DD has been accepted to 2 schools, deferred to one and denied to her ED.
She is pretty excited about one school that she has been already accepted. We’re now waiting for 8 more regular decision. She will visit the schools to make the final decision when the time comes.
I can’t wait to pay the deposit and let all this process in the past.
Good luck!

@Holayetsf Congrats. My DD has one EA remaining for Feb 1 and has received 4 EA so far, one of which we plan to decline due to the small amount of merit received. Believe it or not we have 12 RDs that we are waiting on. Honestly, most of the RD’s are her favorites and none of them allowed EA decisions so here we are. I would love to be done also. Good Luck to you also.

@Holayetsf Congratulations on your DD already being accepted to a school that she is excited about… That is a great start and wishing her good luck in RD.

@Sarrip 12 RD schools left? Wow, that is a lot and while I think my son would be okay waiting, I don’t know if I would make it to the end of March waiting on RD decisions. I am hoping you do a rundown of your family’s process once it is all over because your family “owned” the college admissions process.

My son is basically done now that his last admission’s decision (a Georgia Tech denial) came in and we are just waiting on some scholarship decisions (and possible interviews), but he is about 75% certain that he will follow his sister to Howard University.

@ChangeTheGame - thinking back I definitely should have done things a little differently. DD goes to prep school and has a great college counselor who came up with a list of schools. DD also has a consultant who is part of a community organization who had a list of schools. We did not have the financial option of applying ED (even though DD wanted to) so we just let it all ride. We are also not eligible for FA. We had to as some say “chase merit”. I am grateful that she is my youngest (midlife/surprise) and I will never have to do this again. DH is nearing retirement within the next few years and we were also considering our quality of life. So, looking back…some if the options would have been RD anyway but I would have cut the list but now, it is what it is.

Hi All,

Congratulations for those of you who are done waiting on admission decisions. We have a long way to go. My DD submitted 6 EA applications (2 acceptances, 1 deferral, 3 will know by February) and 7 RD applications that we have to wait until March to find out. I think I am more anxious than she is, mainly because we won’t have a clue about all of the admits and financial offers until April.

@tara00 I am right there with you! And then narrowing it down and hitting accepted student’s days.

Son has a EA decisions coming next week and the week after, and the week after. Then the loooooonnnnnnnnggggg wait for some RD decisions all the way up till April 1.

Son is already saying he’s tired of waiting. He wants to make a decision based on schools that will notify him by the latest EA deadline in his mix, Feb 15. I had to remind him that a couple of his favored schools deferred him from early EA decisions to RD, so he’ll have to wait until the end of March to learn their decisions.

It wasn’t so bad waiting while there was a lot of research/application work ongoing. Now that all the apps are in, just sitting around waiting makes the wait seem impossible.

@ChangeTheGame I am shocked at the GT denial! I’m sorry. Howard with the Presidential is hard to beat though. And how nice for you if both kids attend the same school. Really makes things easier.