African-American Student Discussion Thread

<p>Hey Guys!</p>

<p>Let's continue from where we left of xD. </p>

<p>But before we do, please, don't post anything about AA. This is thread is not meant for discussion of AA. If you want to talk about AA, you're free to do so here: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>How about them Lakers? Lololol. Kobe's defeat made me very happy xD</p>

<p>And I agree, we really do need new teams in the finals. lol. But it would be nice to see Boston there one last time.</p>

<p>That's cool, CPU.
How'd you study Latin? and how long did it take you?</p>

<p>Bulls ! I already said it. lol</p>

<p>Boston…no. lol. Im a Laker fan, we don’t encourage no Loston lol</p>

<p>But in the finals, as long as its not the Heat or Boston, I’m</p>

<p>I still don’t understand the mania regarding basketball. Are there no soccer fans on these boards?</p>

<p>I hate Miami -_____-</p>

<p>Ksarmand, soccer’s my favorite sport! INTER and BARCA all the way!</p>

<p>I still don’t understand the mania regarding sports. New topic please, these threads are dull. Maybe make a separate thread called “Sports talk.”</p>

<p>Sent from my HTC EVO 4G using CC App</p>

<p>Haha. okay.</p>

<p>So what are you guys doing this summer?</p>

<p>Going to my home countries (well…territories) to kick it and volunteer.
Then standardized testing.
College apps!!
And band-related activities :p</p>

<p>US National BioGENEius Sci Fair
Research at State Flagship school
Studying Latin
Hanging out with youth group!</p>

<p>Are you in Marching Band, Marine?</p>

<p>yep, I’m in marching band! :slight_smile:
I wonder what our show theme is gonna be :O</p>

<p>I’m going to be sleeping this summer WOOOO MEEE!! lol.

<p>Sleep is the best thing. I’m serious its great lol.</p>

<p>And I’m going to be swimming!! I want to go to the beach!
You know here in NY it is ridiculous it is stilll kinda cold and its almost June, what the heck is going on! I should be burning right now. But i have a sweatshirt on=/.</p>

<p>But i’m seriously irritated…(well not really) by my teachers. One is a substitute for History and he doesnt even know what he is talking about or goes off subject. I feel I am not obtaining the magical sense of knowledge! The other is a substitute (but been here longer) and hes such a and very obnoxious. He feels its necessary to let EVERYONE know he is jewish. Being from California, I have never really met that many Jews like here in New York…is that weird? lol</p>


<p>AHHH! Awesome! What instrument do you play? Do you guys compete? </p>

<p>Yes, sleep is the best thing :). DE weather has been unpredictable ): </p>

<p>What’s with these substitutes, lol.
We usually get busy work when we have subs.</p>

<p>“MarinebioSax:wink: lol. For marching band. Concert band, I play bassoon, oboe (depending on the time period) and saxophone.</p>

<p>@Love: your sub sounds weird af. o_0 lol.</p>

<p>Lolol. That makes soo much sense! I’ve played trombone for about 5 years. I go to a STEM school, and it’s required that we take at least one science elective each year. So it’s difficult to fit wind ensemble in ):
Luckily we share buildings with an Arts school. xD. I’m a member of their marching band!</p>

<p>Ohh really? haha that’s cool that you get to perform with them!</p>

<p>I keep debating on whether or not I’ll do band in college. If I get into USC or Vanderbilt, I’m joining the marching band for sure. If I don’t get into either school, senior year will probably be my last year doing band. :confused:
Eh… maybe I’ll do pep band haha.</p>

<p>Yes my substitutes are very weird. </p>

<p>The one that is jewish looks exactly like the guy from hangover. I think his name is Zach something. Hes the one that was like"my wolf pack was one but now its 4" lol</p>

<p>The other one…well…he has really big hands…lol. And twitches a lot. He also doesnt know much and says “Thats a really good question but I don’t know the answer” =/</p>

<p>OMGOSH! I used to be in band once upon a time. But that was in middle school. I played the trumpet, now I just play piano mostly…doing private lessons. </p>

<p>Mr. Luggs(im a little stupido sometimes) what is DE…delaware?</p>

<p>I love the performing arts! Hopefully I’ll continue in College!
USC’s band is awesome! They were on GLEE!!
Don’t lose faith, Marine! You’ll make it!</p>

<p>HAHA. DE=Delaware.
Haha. Everyone was in band in middle school.
My classmates thought it was the “cool” thing to do.</p>

I was in band, as well as orchestra and choir. It was fun :)</p>



<p>I’ll be having fun in the lab with my sporulating bacillus subtilis cells (and making up on lost sleep…)</p>

<p>Take your high school summers easy, guys. You don’t really have to do anything until you get to college, really.</p>



<p>Well, it’s not odd that the majority of people with Jewish heritage live in New York (when one looks outside of Israel, that is). It is, however, a tad odd that your teacher feels the need to inform everyone he meets that he is Jewish - certain things simply don’t need to be mentioned.</p>

<p>I don’t have anything to do. I’m bored.</p>

<p>Mee too! Man I’m bout to get a empanada! Im hungry. School is almost over! I’m so excited! I thought that this second sophomore year would never end! lol</p>