<p>Anyone else think so? </p>
<p>p.s. unless I actually fail the test later on then all my efforts will partly be in vain.
Lol...just wanted to express some of my thoughts. This is totally objective...</p>
<p>Anyone else think so? </p>
<p>p.s. unless I actually fail the test later on then all my efforts will partly be in vain.
Lol...just wanted to express some of my thoughts. This is totally objective...</p>
<p>You mean subjective? lol</p>
<p>haha being sarcastic…don’t want to offend</p>
<p>I actually think SAT is fun…</p>
<p>Is it normal?</p>
<p>^Its normal I mean people have dislikes and likes for ANYTHING in this world . Why exclude SAT…though i’m curious which part of the SAT do you like</p>
<p>I just love the stress.</p>
<p>I found something I’m BAD AT.</p>
<p>I constantly score around the 1900s range. And I’m MAD. :)</p>
<p>Dork… (lol) are you planning to take October SAT?</p>
<p>Nah. I’m only a sophomore. Which p!sses me off even more. Since I’m a year away from taking the SAT and I’m scoring a 1900s. My plan was to get 2100+ by now.</p>
<p>For some reason studying for the SAT is the one thing I don’t mind studying for…</p>
<p>I like studying for the SAT because I am SUPPOSED to…</p>
<p>If you cant beat em’, join em.</p>
<p>Wordd ^</p>
<p>I loved practicing for the math and writing sections and hated the critical reading. Now that I got an 800 on the math and writing, SAT studying is dreadful.</p>
<p>I originally hated studying for the SAT, but now, I prefer it to doing AP summer homework. I’m actually starting to enjoy it. I know exactly what to expect whenever I study, so the studying is formulaic enough that I don’t get distracted, but the questions are varied enough that I don’t feel totally bored.</p>
<p>I never studied for the cr or the writing, but I studied constantly for the math, and I hated it. I hate math tricks, which is what the sat math is all about.</p>
<p>Is the SAT fun? I’m not sure but I know that keeping a positive outlook helps keep you motivated… what’s not fun is realizing that you’ve slacked off and wasted time lol.</p>
<p>Spent the last few days going over a “proper” grammar book because I need to understand it thoroughly (as great as silverturtle’s guide is). It was a drag but its starting to feel better.</p>
<p>My mom said that its only when you’ve studied a certain amount that you lunderstand how much more there is to learn… time to get back to studying.</p>
<p>I have to think its fun, otherwise, I wouldn’t study for it. It’s all in perspective. I like to think of the math as like a puzzle game, the writing is like the section where I proclaim how intelligent i am, and the cr section is…death lol. I haven’t found a good name for that one yet.</p>
<p>I have a tendency to enjoy things where I excel and SAT CR is not one of em.
I am completely in charge of SAT- math and writing but SAT-reading is keeping me off from getting a decent score. I am a non-native English speaker.
Last time during May SAT, I got only 590 on reading (i.e. after getting all the sentence completion right) and things have reached like only to 630-650 … I would desperately like that CR to go up to 700ish ( even if it comes by luck on the test day).</p>