After being notified of an "Appointment" logistics

<p>tielir999,Yes, USNA sends out a list (a form that you need to have your GP sign off on, and confirm all the dates) in the Permit to Report packet.
jpr-Fire. USNA may indicate they want the wisdom teeth out before; however, as our son's wisdom teeth haven't caused him any grief, and they aren't in any danger of shifting all the orthodonture that he's had done, and they showed clearly on the Panorex we sent in to USNA, they (USNA) didn't tell us to have them removed, so we've left they where they lie. USNA at some point, I am sure, will want to remove them, and our S will go in then and have it done.
Marine2bdad; you are exactly right on the varicella being the test to determine if they've had chicken pox, and the PPD being the TB test. My mental screw up (has to do with my own age and varying hormones, I'm told). And, thankfully, I suppose, the case of chicken pox he had (along with ALL his siblings simultaneously) when he was a mere infant was a heavy enough case that he shows "immunity" (we understand it's still possible to get shingles down the line, and other variants of the disease), plus, he didn't test positive for Tb, which was another blessing (as many years ago it was thought his next oldest sister had either cat-scratch or Tb, but an absolute positive was never forthcoming in the pitre dishes for either of them, so we were holding our collective breath on that one).<br>
And, know that the list I rattled off was for 2011. 2012's list may <em>very well</em> be different. (I believe women are also needing to take that anti-cervical cancer vaccine, but am not positive on that.)</p>