OK to enroll and haggle the next day with other schools for more favorable package?
No it is NOT OK to deposit at one school and then after that haggle with other schools.
Today is May 1. You should have done your haggling in time to have a decision by midnight tonight.
What makes you think a school to where you missed the deadline to commit to them is going to be interested in you at all.
Now if have put a deposit down on College A you are admitted off a waiting list for College B, you could certainly let College B know that you would need X dollars to accept their offer…as long as you are happy to go to College A
Right…but that is ONLY if you get off a waitlist someplace. You can’t “negotiate” with the other schools that you didn’t commit to by May 1…oh…and you are only supposed to deposit to one school.
Aren’t you supposed to decline the schools you are not committed to?