After Deposit

<p>So, I was just recently accepted off the wait list to Geneseo.</p>

<p>I am absolutely thrilled and I sent in my deposit today.</p>

<p>For anyone that was accepted RD and sent in their deposit: </p>

<p>About how long from the day you sent your deposit did you receive your email address,t-shirt, etc. from Geneseo????</p>

<p>congrats, sean! i sent in my deposit about 2 weeks ago and got my tshirt today. but that was it...still haven't heard anything about the rest.</p>

<p>just a quick update...i received my email address and info about orientation, etc. a few days ago. so i'd say give it 2-3 weeks after sending your deposit to hear back.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info! I assume the shirt comes separately?</p>

<p>^ Yeah, the shirt should be in a few days after you get the email and ID.</p>

<p>my shirt came first, but yes, separate from the letter with my email address</p>