<p>I was reading over my app and I realized that I did not communicate my desire to go to vandy as clearly as I would have liked. In the fall I flew from texas just to go to a prevu day and visit the campus and I talked with a dean of the engineering school, but I want to make sure the admissions people know this. Im guessing they will know I went to the PreVU day, but should I do anything else at this point? I also communicated my interest in vandy fairly well in my interview.</p>
<p>I’m sure your interviewer will put that you were definitely interested in Vandy.</p>
<p>One of my friends who was also interviewed hadn’t even been to Vanderbilt yet. So, even if the interviewer has something good to say, there is no showing of demonstrated interest… so since you have done so, it’s a leg up.</p>
<p>Aren’t you applying EDII?</p>
<p>negative im an RD’er. my financial dept ordered that I do so.
Im just needlessly stressing until april.</p>
<p>I HATE THIS. Getting into elite colleges is skewed towards the rich. They should look at the part where it lists the jobs/colleges of our parents. If their parents are [let’s use me for an example] a mechanic who didn’t get a degree and a social worker who got a BA at the University of South Florida [a joke of a college] the admissions people should be like… This is awesome! This girl had no advantage yet managed to become smart and successful.</p>
<p><em>jealous of uppermiddle class</em></p>
<p>If financial aid wasn’t a factor, many of us would have applied ED and would have most likely gotten in already.</p>
<p>That’s old news, most people don’t really even talk about it anymore. I know people that took the SAT around 4-5 times with the standard lessons and are going to Princeton. Based on his scores, it’s painfully obvious that one spent like 90% of the time on one section each time.</p>
<p>That idea of what the Admissions office should be like is called Affirmative Action, which is in theory not that bad of an idea, but unfortunately, it’s a racist system. Maybe start a lobby.</p>
<p>Yeah, affirmative action is basically reverse racism. I remember doing a congress session in debate about that. </p>
<p>It should be affirmative action not just for race, but with money considered as well. Like if Oprah’s kid wanted to try to apply to an Ivy League and a lower class white person with the same stats tried to apply, Oprah’s kid wins!</p>
<p>You’re right. In theory, it’s a lovely idea. But it’s still flawed.</p>
<p>why are you jealous of the uppermiddle class? theyre the ones that get SCREWED! no FA, but still a huge chunk out of the pocket. you should be jealous of the upper class…</p>
<p>yup, that my situation lulumobile. merit aid is a helluva lot harder to get than FA</p>
<p>Same here ModernChem…</p>
<p>Just because you’re considered upper middle class doesn’t mean you don’t need financial aid (my parents have three other children to put through college after me and it’s quite likely that they’ll be applying to expensive institutions as well), but it does mean that you probably won’t qualify for it. $50,000 is a lot for pretty much anyone, especially in these economic circumstances.</p>
<p>Twilight, dont count out more expensive schools because of your younger siblings. I have an older bro in college, and on a quick efc calculator that dropped my efc almost 15k, so Im hoping vandy will be generous with my fin aid.</p>
<p>Hilsa, admissions offices at schools like Vandy DO look at everything … that is why no one can say whether or not a particular person will get in based on stats alone. The admissions committee works very hard to put together a diverse class (diverse in many ways). </p>
<p>As for financial aid … I think some of you are quite unaware of how most people live. If your EFC is higher than the cost of Vandy, you are EXTREMELY fortunate … and far better off than the vast majority of Americans. Your family is judged using the same formula used for everyone else. If you don’t have as much need, it’s because your parents make that much more. It is all relative. 10,000 is as big a stretch for some as 50,000 is for others.</p>
<p>I don’t know if it will please you or make you feel a little creepy, but this conversation has inspired the most recent posting on the Admissions Blog:[The</a> Vandy Admissions Blog](<a href=“http://www.vanderbilt.edu/Admissions/vandybloggers/]The”>The Vandy Admissions Blog | Vanderbilt University)</p>
<p>^^ That is creepy. I’m always a little edgy imagining admissions officers on this site. Idk why.</p>
<p>This is funny and a tiny bit creepy! =]</p>
<p>Haha that is creepy, but at least they think our aimless conversations are worth reading. Maybe I should post my name and common app id here so the adcoms can make note that they are my top choice :-P</p>