Aggie Class of 2024.. advice before you hit submit on application

@AnikethB Top 10% is 10.0 and not beyond. No rounding. 10.8% doesn’t qualify as Auto Admit. Take the ACT again and if you can, take the sitting offered at College Station. It is scored in 24 hours. You can’t send the score elsewhere (it is for A&M use only) but you can take it more on your time scale than waiting for the national one.

Should we submit the application first and then request the college board to send the scores to the college or do the opposite ? Like, should we ask the college board to send the scores to college, and after we see that the score has sent to college, then hit the submit button ?

@Runu824 I think you can do it either way. I ordered my son’s ACT a couple of days before he submitted his app. When he got his UIN and checked on his app status it was already checked that they received his ACT scores. I personally wouldn’t send them in a long time before the app is submitted.

Thanks a lot

@RUNU824 @texasaggie99 is correct. Timing of submitting scores and application is irrelevant. The only thing with the application is it gives you the UIN which then allows you to access Howdy and AIS. In AIS you’ll be able to upload resume and LORs.

Sat-math sub score is -720 (1460)
ACT- math sub score-30 (32-composite)
which score should I submit for Engineering?

Should I submit AP Calculus BC score- 3 ?

@allen01 TAMU will take the score that benefits the student the most. A 720 is about a 32 on ACT so SAT score is definitely better. You’re fine just submitting the SAT. Your total scores are about equal but SAT still a bit higher than ACT (33 vs 32 by SAT comparison).

I am applying for college of Engineering. Should I submit my AP score in Calculus BC, which is 3, for holistic review? Really appreciate your suggestion.

I could be wrong but my impression was that ap scores were not considered in admissions.seems like they should be but I was told they weren’t.

@Allen01 my daughter starts A&M in the fall. She didn’t have any of her AP scores sent to A&M until this summer, just before her NSC.
Admission isn’t going to count into consideration your AP scores.

@Allen01 Don’t send the AP scores to TAMU until you receive an admission decision. They won’t consider it for admissions. So save the money for now.

Whether you claim your AP credit for Math 151 will take place at the New Student Conference and after you take the Math Placement Test and with an advisor. If you are a really strong math student, going into Math 152 may be fine for you. You will be required to take an additional math, in addition to 152, if you do take the AP credit. Most likely Calculus 3 second semester.


My DS will be a review admit. He is retaking the ACT in September. Should he wait to submit the TAMU application until he gets those scores? Or should he submit the app with his current ACT score and wait to send the official ACT report in mid-September? As a review admit, my understand. Is that TAMU probably won’t look at his app for quite some time. Is this correct?

@txstella while yes his application as a review admit won’t be reviewed til later, it never hurts to get in the application when it’s ready. They expect scores to trickle in over the fall for most students.

Hi - is there disadvantage to submitting the Scholarship Application portion of Apply Texas later than the Admissions Application… like in Nov, right before Dec deadline?

My daughter is an Auto-Admit and submitted her Apply Texas Admissions Application in early July, but she is not in a hurry to send the Scholarship portion because she heard that they don’t even look at scholarship applications until December after students are admitted. But I’m concerned that delaying her scholarship app will put her behind all the earlier scholarship applicants, even if they are admitted around the same time. Not sure if the Scholarship office considers application dates as part of the review & awards process (aside from identifying the qualified recipients). Thoughts on this? Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

@bargainshopper75 I can’t answer your question but that is interesting that on the Apply Texas app they allow them to submit the scholarshio section later. My son did Coalition and he had to do the scholarship section with his app because it clearly stated he couldn’t go back to do it once he submitted it. I guess Apply Texas app is different than Coalition.

@bargainshopper75 I am under the impression that you have to submit the scholarship application when submitting your admissions application, but could be wrong…

Hi @robmom2 @TexasAggie99 -
Thanks for the responses! It sounds like the Coalition app requires both admission & scholarship apps to be sent in at the same time.
Apply Texas allows the separate submissions. When I spoke to A&M Admissions, they advised the Scholarship App is a requested, but not required, document - so luckily it did not hold up the application which is now in “App Complete, In Review” status in AIS.
Being an OCD parent, I would rather have that last item (although not in the required section), to also be green/complete along with all other docs… but I am trying to pick my battles lol. If a later scholarship submission is a disadvantage though, then I would let DD know and hopefully she would be motivated to finish it sooner than later ?

I emailed the TAMU Scholarship office, looks like there’s no problem submitting the application later. Below is their response ??
You will have until December 2, 2019 to complete the scholarship application. We do not begin scholarship review until after the deadline so there is no disadvantage to submitting later.