I’m really beating myself up for this. But I was totally stoked on volunteering at this general hospital for the summer, as they have a three week program. But… I had the volunteering application from last year (Idk why I had that one), and it said that the deadline for the application was June 1st. It was actually May 1st!
Anyways, I want to major in biology and eventually go into medical school. I am a sophomore. I don’t know where I can volunteer because i heard that colleges really care about volunteering, but all the general hospitals are done receiving volunteer applications. Does it matter where I volunteer over the summer? I may just do the local food pantry. I don’t want to volunteer just for the college application, seriously, but I also don’t want to look terrible…
Please give me advice! Worrying sophomore over here! 
Colleges want you to do something you’re passionate about, they don’t want you to do an activity just to check a box. Try to find an organization that is meaningful to you. Is there an American Red Cross in your area? They accept volunteer applications all year and that might be something you’ll actually enjoy.
The closest red cross is about an hour away 
If there is a medical school in your city, you should contact them about shadowing a faculty member.
Nursing home or an assisted living. Do you have a science center near your home?
There is a hospital near me that is particularly centered around drug and alcohol rehabilitation! I think that would be an interesting experience and it’s not like a huge hospital. Would it be better for me to do the food pantry or this rehabilitation center? I need to focus on one, but they both sound fantastic and fun to do!
Do the rehab center. I volunteered at a rehab center and it was a great experience (more of the PT/OT rehab, not drugs/alcohol).