Visit Tomorrow

<p>Flying in from the east coast for admissions session and tour tomorrow. UWisc is one of S2's top choices right now. Severe thunderstorms predicted for the afternoon. Hope we will come away with a favorable impression, even if we get soaked (!) and cut our visit a little short. Any words of encouragement?</p>

<p>We’ve been going through a dry spell. If it rains, I’m guessing it will be short.</p>

<p>The walking tour that tags onto the admissions presentation runs about 90 mins and covers the entire campus. It’s extremely informative and gives a great feel for the school. I suppose they cancel if it rains, which would really be a bummer as the admissions talk itself is pretty much a snoozer.</p>

<p>If you have to improvise, I’d head for the union and its terrace, which are completely unique to UW. Walk as much campus as you care to and weather allows, then head up State St for the (also unique) way that UW and the surrounding city overlap and flow together.</p>

<p>WALKING SHOES. You’ll walk 5 miles before you know it.</p>

<p>Welcome to Madison, I hope you enjoy your trip. If you are walking up State Street, try “State Street Brats” for a red brat. If you are at Memorial Union, try the Babcock ice cream, or the fudge bottom pie in the Lakefront Cafeteria.</p>

<p>Well, it rained much of the day and for all of our walking tour. Still, S2 and I were impressed and UW Madison remains near the top of the list. He is particularly interested in the emphasis on undergraduate research opportunities and the opportunity to double major in unrelated areas within the College of Arts and Letters. The terrace at Memorial Union was pretty, even through the mist. And we received a coupon for ice cream that we’ll return and use tomorrow.</p>

<p>Any idea whether the admission standards are different for OOS vs instate? I’m wondering whether UWMad is like UMich in that it’s more difficult to be admitted as an OOS student.</p>

<p>Not more difficult for OOS. Around 1/4 of entering freshmen are from outside of WI/MN (reciprocity state).</p>

<p>Archiemom, what airport did you fly into? We’ll be coming from New Orleans.</p>