Hey, so I had a good interview with this company on wednesday, and apparently, my reference--my "boss" (nonprofit organization that would tutor people with computers), picked up the phone and got cold feet when they asked hmi personal questions about the company. Well, there was no company, it was just a group of us that was under his "command" that tutored people in certain prorgams....he told me I should consider looking for another job because he hung up on the lady when she asked for certani information about the company....I really don't know what to do now because I had a great interview, and tehy said that they would only contact the peoples' references of whom which they were interested in. So they were interested in me, but my reference, I guess, kinda screwed me up...he's just cold feety. I don't know what to do, maybe it's my fault for putting him there on the first place, and they haven't called my other reference which was a fellow math tutor....any idea? It sounsd cheesy to be like, "Hey, my reference got cold feet," when I called them, so ANY idea how to approach it.....SO far i have a plan that consists of the falling.</p>
<p>1) Call them.
2) talk to them.</p>
<p>..............that's it, I don't know what to say....I want to ask about the status of my application but then again I don't want to sound lame and all....help?</p>