Aid for Penn ED student from Philippines

<p>I already got accepted to University of Pennsylvania for ED. I am an international and did not want to risk lowering my chances by asking for aid. Is there any way to get aid or scholarship now through a private organization? I am Filipino citizen. Help!</p>

<p>[Penn</a> Admissions: Financial Aid for International Applicants](<a href=“]Penn”></p>

<p>This is the info from the Penn website.</p>

<p>I would have assumed you provided them with financial data that said you could afford to attend. I am not sure if you can expect any aid from the college at this point.</p>

<p>congrats for making into upenn! it’s really rare to see filipinos around ,though there are alot in my community. hehe!</p>

<p>No, I didn’t send my financial papers. It’s not a big concern, maybe parents’ll borrow money. Thanks for the help! </p>

<p>To Ren the SAT’er, are you Filipino then? Ahh a friend of mine got accepted also. As of now only 2 people from the Philippines got accepted. Thanks for the congratulations! Which community is this with the Filipinos?</p>

<p>As an international, applying for aid is a big deal at Penn. 80% of internationals applying ask for aid and very few get in because they put so little money towards supporting them. Needless to say, most of the internationals I met at Penn over the years were quite wealthy. I doubt you’ll ever see a penny of aid from Penn, so make certain your parents are willing to borrow what it takes for 4 years. Your best chance at this point is to seek scholarships in your country.</p>