Alabama Core Curiculum

I’m trying to plan out my next semester of dual credit courses to fit my degree plan at UA.

I’m going into comp sci and the degree plan online is a little fuzzy. When it says you need like 3 humanities, do you need specific ones?

Every other degree plan I’ve seen is fairly detailed in which courses you need i.e. US History 1 and 2, Govt, etc…

My course load next semester is US history, programming C++, Calc 1, Macroeconomics, and English 1B.

Does this sound like a smart course load?

The courses I have completed that transfer to my degree plan are English 1A and US Government. I’m coming in with 9 hours that should come in as electives as well.

You generally do not need specific courses, if you do, they will be specified on the degree plan (for example, civil-e majors need to take public speaking)

Most colleges do not specify specific courses you must take to fill core requirements because colleges offer such a wide variety of courses that fill humanities, social/behavioral, and natural science options, so students can use those courses to explore interests or focus on a specific area such as filling them with courses for a minor.

If you go to, you can choose humanities or social/behavioral and see the list of options you can choose from.

If you want to know if your dual credit courses will meet requirements you can use the transfer equivalency table which has a link on the right side of that page.

Of the courses you mentioned above US Government would be a social science and not a humanity and I assume the English 1A/1B fill the freshman composition requirement and also does not fill a humanity.

Oh okay. Every other school I’ve seen has a sample degree plan that has specific courses. Many have a core curriculum as well (all texas public colleges). That was my question.

I am trying to find something like this:

You need 9 credits of courses that have the HU, L or FA designation. You can choose whatever courses you want as long as they have that designation. Language courses count as humanities, and if you have any of those, you probably won’t need to use them toward the language requirement as you’ll have courses with the “C” designation that also fulfill the language requirement. You’ll also need 9 credits of courses with the HI or SB designation. Again, you choose which ones. You do need a 6 credit discipline depth study (my daughter used AP history credit for this - in her major the depth requirement had to be in either history or literature; the engineering college is less restrictive with its gen ed requirements).

I agree with jrcsmom that English 1A and 1B will likely fulfill your freshman composition requirement. US Government and Macroeconomics should count as SB courses and US History should count as a HI course, which would give you your 9 HI/SB credits. Calc will count toward your “N” requirement as well as toward your major. Without knowing specifically what your other dual enrollment courses are (and whether they’ll transfer in based on the equivalency tables), it’s hard to say whether you’ll be able to apply all of your spring semester courses to specific Gen Ed requirements. I know my daughter came in with credits she couldn’t use - they counted as electives, but she didn’t need any more elective credit. They counted for purpose of registration priority, though!

You might want to leave yourself some gen eds to take at Alabama, as you can probably find some fun, easy courses to satisfy gen eds that will help you have a balanced course load and get a GPA boost.

I assume what you are looking for is a flowchart. Try this link: