Alabama Housing for 2019 Freshmen

How competitive is housing at Bama? We’re trying to decide if D should make a housing deposit now. She’s been accepted and UA is currently one of top two choices, but she’s waiting on one more school that won’t let her know until February.

Looks as if most of deposit is refundable if she lets housing know by May, which seems reasonable.

If it’s a top choice I would recommend making the housing deposit so she gets in the queue for priority housing. Believe you also need to make the enrollment deposit which I don’t believe is refundable but still worthwhile if strong chance she will attend.

Note that if she has a lower priority slot or no priority, another person with higher priority can pull her forward as a roommate but she will need to work the social media forums to make that happen. Good luck.

The earlier the better if she has her sights set on a specific dorm/floor/room. If she pairs with someone with an earlier time slot she can be pulled in by that person. She may end up wanting to room with someone with a later time slot, so in that case, her earlier slot will benefit them both.

Make the deposit!