Housing Advice

My daughter toured Bama yesterday and really liked the school! From socal and this was the earliest she could get there for a visit. Did not deposit on housing prior to Feb 14 deadline. Bama website says that students depositing after this early deadline will just be assigned to a dorm on May 15. Don’t get to choose dorm or roommate - fine with this as we are late. Just curious how good or bad this will be based on others who may have been thru the process?? At least it takes the stress out of finding a roommate.

She also qualifies for Honors and was not sure she would apply but also curious if that may help get into Honors dorms, even though she missed the deadline where she gets to choose. I’ll make some calls next week and see what Honors says but know lots of good advice here on CC.

If she finds a potential roommate w/ an earlier time slot, she could always pull her into one of the dorms.

Does she plan on rushing?


Thanks - as I read it on the Housing page it looks like she gets assigned a dorm and room mid May. I’ll call to see if any possibility of getting pulled in by a roommate. May rush - not sure but exploring.

She can still get “pulled” in by a potential roommate who is eligible to participate in room selection. She can join the student Facebook page and connect with other incoming girls. If she does decide not to rush she should find a roommate who will also not be rushing. Back to your original question- yes, having housing place her can work out perfectly as well, and has, for many kids. However, if she is sure that she wants to be in the Honors dorm (Ridgecrest) the only way to guarantee that is by doing the roommate match and getting “pulled in”.

Find someone who is in honors and needs a roommate so that they can pull her in. I think being in the honors dorm was the #1 factor in our daughter doing so well. Her group puts academics first but still has tons of fun and is very social. They push, help, and encourage each other, and are all best friends (and living together) 3 years later. I mentioned this to her last night and she said “oh, absolutely”