Alabama Housing

When initially applying for housing, do I get to choose the actual dorm building I want to live in or just the type (traditional, suite) of room I will be in? Thank you!!

You choose the dorm you want!

During the initial applying, When you put the deposit down. You are only asked what type of housing you would like. At a later time you will be e-mailed the day and time you have been assigned to actually pick the dorm and room. The sooner you put your housing deposit in the better date and time you will be assigned to pick your dorm and room.

As long as you made the housing deposit by February 1st.

My son is having some difficulty locating roommates for next year. It appears the University of Alabama Class of
2019 Parents, and the University of Alabama Parents facebook groups are far more active for the girls than the guys. The university sponsored roommate search program is not very active. I was wondering where do the engineer majors go to search for roommates?? My son is from Ohio, engineer major, Catholic, athlete,wants to live in honors dorms, serious about school work but enjoys his free time also.

Make sure he has his Facebook page url listed in his profile description, along with his Crimson email or other contact info. The roommate finder does get active, but usually at the last minute. My son talked with several, and got a group together in advance of his deadline (he’s a rising junior, credit wise, but just second year), but on that last day (and he had mentioned his deadline) he suddenly got lots of emails and Facebook requests. His group are all incoming Honors engineering students. Even got some after his deadline. Unfortunately, a lot of guys just put it off. As it gets closer to May, it will get busier, but I hope, of course, that your son does not have to wait until then.

" My son is having some difficulty locating roommates for next year. It appears the University of Alabama Class of
2019 Parents, and the University of Alabama Parents facebook groups are far more active for the girls than the guys. The university sponsored roommate search program is not very active. I was wondering where do the engineer majors go to search for roommates?? My son is from Ohio, engineer major, Catholic, athlete,wants to live in honors dorms, serious about school work but enjoys his free time also. "

My son is also not into Facebook. He figures he will just pick on room on his “day”. I wish he would try to come up with some roommates.

I will email you, and maybe they might be able to work something out.