2015-16 Freshman Roomate

DS just now decided on UA. Seeking quality roommate in honors’ dorm. Any and all suggestions will be appreciated

Just sent you a message. Let me know if you didn’t get it.

You need to join the University of Alabama Parents facebook page. PM me for more info.

I don’t go on Facebook, but I did venture in just to help my son find roommates. Definitely join the parents’ group. They Have a great system for networking students.

When joining the FB group. You will need to check your “other” folder in your message center.

I hope your son’s visit went well today. Sorry for my confusing username. I’m actually from north Alabama near Huntsville. Our son, Jack, plans to major in Electrical Engineering and Spanish. He has been involved in drama and cross country. He wants to live in the honors dorm but we feel like we are late in finding a roommate. Jack’s Twitter account is @wjackmullins. Please feel free to email me back or contact jack.
Thanks and best wishes,
From North Alabama

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 12, 2015, at 10:40 AM, College Confidential no-reply@collegeconfidential.com wrote:

NCEdwards4 sent you a message

Hi Mom from the north. My son is still deciding on whether he will attend UA. We have a tour scheduled for tomorrow at UA, and another at UNC-Chapel Hill on Monday. We did give our housing deposit before the cut off, but only about a week.

What types of things does your son like to do? My son, Riley, would like to participate in intramural sports, likes to be active, but takes his studies seriously. He was on the football team in high school, plays rec baseball, but also does drama stuff, musicals, plays, etc. He likes a wide variety of activities. If yours son likes similar things, maybe we can get them connected.

Where are you from up north? I was born in NY, but mostly grew up in Jersey.

Lastly, does your son want to live in the honors dorm?

Take care,

Follow the link below to check it out:

Have a great day!

You may want to ask a CC admin to delete that private contact information and identifyting Twitter information @momfromno

My apologies if this is a ridiculous request. I don’t do facebook, but my husband does. I’ve been searching and not sure I have the right FB page for bama parents to help with roommates. Can someone post the link?

There are several. You can tell the most active by the number of members. The University of Alabama Parents is the main one and has over 1,800 members. Then there is one for the class of 2019 parents.

I recently attempted to join the 2019 parents group, as it will have all the freshman for dorming.

Was that a good one to join? DS is not one to pursue this on his own, he’s seldom on facebook.

Yes. Lots of activity. You can also join the University of Alabama Parents page. It also has lots of activity, but the 2019 page is geared more toward discussions of freshman stuff.

When I search for University of Alabama, there are a lot of groups that come up, but none that have 1800 members. How else do I find it?

“The University of Alabama Parents” and “The University of Alabama Class of 2019 Parents”

Check your messages, Laralei

I would say your student is not late looking for a roomate. My son hasn’t even decided 100% that he is going to UA but did pay the housing deposit. I know at least a dozen others in the same boat…all wanting honors college and we all got emailed dates in May where you pick your rooms so plenty of time I would say.

My son is having some difficulty locating roommates for next year. It appears the University of Alabama Class of
2019 Parents, and the University of Alabama Parents facebook groups are far more active for the girls than the guys. The university sponsored roommate search program is not very active. I was wondering where do the engineer majors go to search for roommates?? My son is from Ohio, engineer major, Catholic, athlete,wants to live in honors dorms, serious about school work but enjoys his free time also.

Hi, autumn2015: Based on how a lot of the guys were last spring, don’t worry too much just yet :wink: Really…it seems like a LOT of the guys did not actively start searching for roommates until maybe 3 weeks prior to the early May room assignment dates. I heard that there is a pretty good FB page for Committed Class of 2019 students (not exactly sure of the name of the page??); there should also be an Honors FB page for Class of 2019…your son may find potential roommates on those sites. Good luck, and don’t worry…it will work out!

There are plenty of quality roommates for Honors Housing. My son was in contact with more roommates than he needed, and they were all great guys. Unfortunately, for students like my son (rising sophomores and above), it’s too late for them to accept roommate requests from incoming freshmen (something for future students to take note of - if you get in touch with an upperclassman in Honors who is looking for roommates, you can get your room much earlier - my son’s three freshmen roommates already got their rooms today in their dream location - they had no idea my son had priority choice and were excited about that.)

In any case, my son talked with a lot of other top notch incoming Freshmen Honors students, so don’t worry. There will be plenty of good guys to room with. If there are certain issues that you know of (like looking for non-drinkers, or particular religious concerns), then definitely do a detail search for roommates who have mentioned those factors. My son wanted roommates with some shared values, but mostly did not want to end up in a suite with three freshmen from the same high school. Thankfully, his upcoming roommates are from around the country.

Best of luck!