
Alabama looks like a great college for me as it is even a safety with my 4.14W and 32 ACT, and I even had a presidential shcolarhsop opportunity.
But i just look and they changed the ACT qualification from 32 to 33!
WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT! This really shocked me becuase Alabama was my true safety and I wont get much money.
I don’t think that I can even improve to a 33 becuase I retook a 32 to receice a 28- its impossible to get a 33!
Also they changed the money form full tuition to 25k/yr.
I need advice on Alabama and what do about it becuase it is my cheapest option next year and eaisest to get, but things changed.

They changed the scholarship to be less than full tuition and harder to get presumably for budget reasons.

  1. Retry the SAT and ACT before the deadline to see if you can hit the new thresholds.
  2. Add other automatic-large-enough-merit-scholarship-that-you-qualify-for schools to your application list.

i dont think I can get better than 32 as my most recent score was a 28.
Anyone have suggestions for other large merit scholarhsip schools?

^that are also good for premed

If you got a 32 once, I would think you’re capable of getting a 32 again, and possibly a 33. My daughter’s experience with the ACT was that she had wildly fluctuating subscores. On her last try, she managed to combine all of her top subscores in one test and voila, a 33. You won’t know unless you try taking the test again whether you can pull your score up to a 33. If this is your best option financially, it seems silly to just give up and assume you can’t get the 33. Take the ACT every time it’s offered in the fall, and prepare well. You might also try the SAT - some do better on that test.

Frankly,I’m surprised Alabama held the line at 32 for the Presidential for as long as it did, especially as the average ACT scores for the school kept going up and up. Good luck!

rip it happened again…
pratice test at C2… 29 (31,34,22,29)
and my sat score is highest 1280, and cant beat it on pratice tests
what nowwwwwwww… any good UC’s for premed… im IS
also idk if alabama superscores

UA did NOT superscore in the past. It used to say this on their FAQ section…but it no longer says either way. Odd. Unless someone knows otherwise, assume UA does not superscore. Call admissions if you want a definitive answer.

@watsrongwitme all the nervousness can’t help your scores. It’s hard to do well when you think you can’t. Try and relax and not be so negative.

No, UA still does NOT superscore. It says so specifically on the engineering scholarship page, and engineering scholarships are awarded based on the regular scholarship vetting process:

I agree to take a look at the SAT and to keep practicing. Focus on the areas where your scores were lower, rather than the ones you consistently do well in.

If UA is no longer viable, check out UAH. Not sure what your intended major is, but UAH is an excellent school for engineering. And premeds need to be aware that many students are weeded out early and others are unsuccessful in gaining admission to medical school, so the undergraduate major should be something you’d be happy with, apart from medicine.

If you’re struggling with the ACT, you may have a tough time with the MCATs too, so this is particularly important for you IMHO. (Don’t mean to be discouraging, but many a premed has found another interest they’re much better suited for, so choose you major wisely.)

Good luck!

^ about OP’s #5: I did not get the impression that this student was necessarily engineering, so if you go and try to find info on superscoring for other majors, you’ll find it lacking, IMO. please post if you find specific reference to not superscoring for non-engineering students. It’s implied that they don’t superscore, but it used to say so specifically in the FAQs in previous years.

^ advice about med school: says it so much more eloquently than I ever could. :wink: if you struggle now…it only gets harder. much harder!

Have you taken the SAT? What is your low section(s) on the ACT?

my best ACT is 32- 34/34/25/32, and reading i always do horrible,
SAT i got 1280 on 1 test, and on practice tests i get 1200-1300