alcohol and drugs! OMG!

<p>so today in my advisory class this district judge or lawyer came in to talk to my class about the "consequences" of alcohol and drugs. </p>

<p>some things i learned...
if a party is raided and you blow a .00 BAC or .02 BUT are in front of "open" bottles alcohol then you're still as in trouble as the kid who was caught with the beer in hand and blows a .10. </p>

<p>so this kid says something to the sort of.. "why would they do that if he wasn't even drinking i mean i'm sure they did the same when they were kids" .. referring to cops and the "authority". </p>

<p>the response... we'll they've since taken the moral high ground. <--- BUNCH of BS. </p>

<p>another thing... he gave us an example of one of his colleagues who was trying to become an FBI agent or something with the FBI. he had completed everything and basically just had a lie detector test left. one of the questions was "have you ever smoked any illegal substance?" so the colleague says "well yeah pot once when i was 14." he was then excused from consideration. like seriously? is that that big of a deal? </p>

<p>finally, he told us that underage drinking citations and other citations go on our permanent records and that any other summary offenses or whatever can be found online and are used to "weed" (yes he ironically said weed) kids out of law school or medical school or professional whatever. </p>

<p>it's like the cops and idiots like this have nothing better to do but look for kids drinkings or smoking like it's some heinous crime that must be punished. the only thing i agree with are laws and consequences with DUIs... that's just not cool. </p>

<p>anyways, what do you guys think about this underage drinking and smoking "illegal" substances? i know this topic has been beaten to death already but whatever. </p>

<p>personally, many of my teachers joke about drinking all the time and even smoking. they know we do it and still love us ( i go to a private school too). </p>

<p>is underage drinking immoral? is smoking pot immoral? are our brains really not developed until 21? why does our country enforce our drinking and smoking laws so strictly???</p>

<p>so much to talk about! please share any stories !</p>

<p>Lol, we had similar guy come in and talk to us. He advised us to hide everything if the cops come a-knockin’ and to send out the sober people to answer the door!</p>

<p>Anyway, no, none of the activities you mentioned are “immoral” and yes, I fully intend to do all of them in the near future, at least once, that is. Never much cared for CNS depressants though so I doubt I’ll bother much with alcohol…</p>

<p>I’m for the legalization of many of the currently illegal recreational drugs. </p>

<p>Above all, though, I’d personally strive to ensure that any psychoactive drugs that I take in the future are used responsibly (and given my background I think that that shouldn’t be too hard!).</p>

<p>Firstly, studies have shown that alcoholism is more prevalent in societies with it more ingrained into accepted culture; invariably, these are the European countries with significantly lower drinking ages. There is a good reason to limit alcohol consumption to those 21 years and older, even if someone who is 14 or 15 can’t see far enough into the future to understand why.</p>

<p>Secondly, your brain is not really developed until 25, which is why rental car companies like to use that as the cutoff age for renting, and why insurance prices for a driver and their car falls off precipitously thereafter.</p>

<p>Thirdly, grow up, and recognize that even if the law is unfair, continually violating it is not the means to demonstrate that you have the maturity to be granted use of the substance. If you work within legal boundaries, and present yourself as intelligent and mature, you will accomplish far more than rebelling pointlessly. It doesn’t work for video game piracy - trying to reduce DRM on a game by pirating it in protest - and it certainly doesn’t work for this either. So instead of just getting mad that the cops are ruining your illegal fun, try doing something productive about it.</p>

<p>Fourth, I would be for the legalization of marijuana, only in small uses, but the existing black market structure would probably render any benefit the government and society could get from it, such as taxing potheads to kingdom-come, largely irrelevant. People could just circumvent any regulations through existing means, which would make having the regulations pointless. Additionally, as the Dutch have discovered, legalizing such stuff can attract less than pleasant operations to whatever area it is concentrated in. I know there is the precedent of alcohol-banning, but alcohol has always been an integral part of society, so legal means were already in place for its distribution.</p>

<p>Finally, since you obviously do this stuff, could you please explain why breaking the laws is necessary to have fun or enjoy yourself? I don’t really get the allure of doing something such as those. Is it the thrill of breaking the law itself perhaps, the coolness that comes with knowing you are flaunting authority? Please, discuss.</p>

<p>There’s nothing wrong with drinking or toking up.
THe problem is when people go overboard and ruin it for everyone else.</p>

<p>I am a VERY responsible student who does both fairly often. Never have I done anything stupid under the influence of either.</p>

<p>lemme c
drink and smoke:yes</p>

<p>yea im doin alright…</p>

<p>good points. </p>

<p>to answer your question… i don’t drink for the thrill of breaking the law, but that it makes for a good relaxing time. it all depends on the setting. like i can still have fun going to a movie, out to eat, bowling, dances, clubbin’ while sober, but sometimes it’s more fun to drink like when it’s a party, or a sports game, or a show/concert. </p>

<p>and i rarely smoke.</p>

<p>in miami cops dont do much at parties other than break them up cuz there is too much of an abundance in alcohol and drugs. u only get in trouble really if u are a host or just with a few ppl.</p>



<p>that’s how it is in philly too. but hell if you go the suburbs it’s redicilous cause they have nothing else to do. </p>

<p>i also think that’s the case at most colleges. i was at u del and we were heading to a frat party and when we got there we found out the cops busted the party and made everyone leave. kid died of alcohol poisoning at u del like 2 weeks after though. kinda scary…</p>



<p>Definitely very believable…</p>

<p>^^^^lol that’s y u go drinkin wit friends that drink less than u to keep u in line</p>



<p>y dont u blieve him? he seemz inteligent</p>

<p>w/e databox…it’ll show if i make it into wharton ed this friday…and thanks king.</p>



<p>Hardcore ■■■■■■■■ (~o^_-o~)</p>

<p>edit: or maybe just one of those really docile amusing people that I tell myself is satire.</p>

<p>lol, wait, you misunderstood what I was saying…I’m not doubting that you’re intelligent, I’m simply doubting that you engage in the specified activities because you seem intelligent. Being caught smoking or drinking would essentially crush all hopes of you getting into a school like Wharton (or any Tier 1 school for that matter).</p>

<p>Rofl. Intelligence has nothing to do with their activities. I’ve seen the top three of last year drunk and the fifth of this year. Perhaps beer takes the edge off?</p>

<p>After accounting homework, I’m dying for vodka.</p>

<p>Why can’t adults understand that if they keep telling kids not to do something, it will only make them do it even more? Personally, I don’t think underage drinking/smoking shows that you’re dumb; it shows you have a psychological weakness.</p>