All 112 pages

<p>I am a brand new poster but I’ve been reading all 112 pages of topics since the end of Dec when my daughter decided to attend Alabama. First and foremost, thank you all for providing a wealth of information to a first time college parent!
I was most surprised by the North v. South differences regarding sorority recruitment. Things certainly get started early! (Sororitygirl 101, I’m almost finished with all of your blog posts! I was at first panicked, but feel much more comfortable now that I’ve read several.) We’ve registered to attend the pre-Recruitment day in February and have all of her requests for recs out. (Our neighborhood has a directory with all of the moms sorority afflliations listed-what a great idea, right?) She feels so much better know this is taken care of. Thanks again for helping us navigate through that process!
One thing I think we’ve dropped the ball on is housing. Her deposit was made in December, but she ended up with what I think is one of the last slots for housing selection, April 9 at 8pm. Does anyone know which dorms “sell-out” first? She’s not interested in the suites at all. Tutwiler is her first choice. She does have her option #2 and #3, if Tutwiler is sold-out when her selection time comes up. Is it true they hold back rooms for the later sessions?
She doesn’t know anyone at this point who will be a Freshman with her so she’s joined the FB and Roommate Finder sites to see if she can find someone with an earlier selection time who wants to be in Tutwiler, too. Any other suggestions? Much appreciated!</p>

<p>Wow! That is an impressive amount of reading! Welcome to the CC Bama family.</p>

<p>Your D could try to find her roommate on one of the sites that you listed and have them “pull” her into their suite. The person with the earliest time for choosing a dorm would be the one to do it. Sorry, I can’t answer your other questions directly.</p>

<p>As soon as you have 15 posts, you can PM (private message) people.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Is your D going to be in honors? If so, Ridgecrest is going to be honors housing. But I believe those are all suite style.</p>


<p>112 pages? Wow!!! You’ve earned 112 of these:</p>

<p>Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Googles “therapists in Hawaii” to find some help for Malanai.</p>

<p>^^ Malanai can just talk to himself. </p>

<p>Malanai, I appreciate a Roll Tide as much as the next guy (probably more), but I sure hope you copied and pasted.</p>

<p>Malanai, you are so funny! Is there a way to say “Roll Tide!” in Hawaiian?</p>

<p>Note that original poster is probably mom of triplets, so I think Malanai now needs to do this in triplicate, just to show respect.</p>

<p>Welcome momoftriplets to the worlds best group of CC members! These wonderful posters are amazing to say the least! </p>

<p>I was just as overwhelmed as you and reading all of the wonderful tips and advise here on CC by the Bama folks has made it so much easier. I feel so much more ahead of most of my D’s friends parents. Thanks to CC!</p>

<p>My D wants to be in Tut as well. She has an early assignment but her hopeful roommate has an even earlier time. They met via the FB group. D posted on there and had many people respond right away and she found the one that they seemed to click more. They will meet at Preview. Which, may be a wonderful time for your D to meet a potential roommate as they will all be looking to join a sorority and will have at least that in common. While talking to the moms there you could also mention your D is still looking for a roommate and she could do the same when in the groups with the other girls. </p>

<p>Good luck and
ROLL TIDE :)</p>

<p>Welcome and Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Momoftriplets- my S had a pretty late selection time and didn’t get the dorm he wanted at first. Every day he would look to see if anything opened. As the process moves, kids change rooms which opens new ones. In June he was able to get exactly where he wanted to be, RCS. Lots of kids pay the housing deposit and choose a room and then decide to go to another school, so there are lots more opportunities after the big rush, so don’t worry.</p>

<p>Thank you for all of the replies! Malanai, that was awesome! No, I don’t need it in triplicate…maybe in 4 years when they hit college! It’s just one for now. TXNewCollegeMom and Proudmama 3, thanks for the reassurance! She’s already messaging a couple of girls on FB. Hope it works out!</p>



<p>What? You can do that?</p>

<p>Wait’ll you see the version I’m working on in Gothic illumination. And yes, I’m beyond therapy. ;)</p>

<p>Welcome, momoftriplets!</p>