All Test Scores for UC's?

I read that all UC’s require you to send in all SAT/ACT scores. Do you have to self-report all scores as well, or can you self-report your highest, and have all the other scores be sent later?
I got a 31, then 32 on ACT.
I got a 1300, then 1460, and then 1490 on SAT, but I took it yesterday again (which I think I scored poorly on because I was sick, and I didn’t study as much).
So would I have to send all 5 scores? Which one should I self-report?

The UC application only has space to report your highest score from a single sitting. They do however want you to send official score reports for all tests. You can send all SAT scores or all ACT scores, but you do not have to send both.
SAT scores for all sittings will be on one report, while for the ACT scores, you need to send separate score reports for each sitting. I would send the SAT scores.

So you only report 1, but you send all right?
Also, is this the same for Rice? They ask for all scores, so can you report the highest on your common app, and then send ALL scores to the school.

If you are unsure then call the Rice admission office. I think Rice may be an all scores for the SAT but not sure on the ACT. You must check. Their website verbiage is unclear…They have their testing info under a Title: Applicants should send all test scores to Rice…but then go on to say in writing that ALL sat scores must be sent…then under the ACT, they don’t specifically say ALL scores…

Its says all ACT scores for Rice on Prepscholar.

@SREE33 while I think that Prep scholar is a great source, the best thing is to call the Rice admissions office directly.

Also for UC’s, I know they ask for all scores and consider the highest, but will they consider other scores as well? If they are lower, will that affect my chances?

UC’s will consider the highest score from a single sitting. They want to see official score reports for all scores and lower scores will not affect your chances especially if you show improvement.

what if you got lower scores the next time


According to this particular website, the answer to the OP’s question is “No” – you don’t have to submit all test scores.


(Refer specifically to the comment posted by Ms. Sun on 11-13-2017 in response to the question from ‘Alex Chun.’

Now, the fact remains that the UC testing requirement website makes it sound like applicants have to submit all standardized test scores, so the question is whether “Ask Ms. Sun” is generally regarded as a reliable UC Admissions blog?

rip I already turned in all my scores

I just got off the phone with the toll free number in CA for questions regarding the UC application. It was a recorded call.

The lady said that one can submit EITHER the ACT or the SAT - and only the highest score from a single test administration on the same day. They don’t superscore. I asked her if one had to submit ALL of either the ACT or SAT (like the whole testing history) and she said NO. She said they recommend or like to see the entire testing history, BUT ONLY THE HIGHEST IS REQUIRED.

When I asked about subject tests, she said that YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SEND IN THE ENTIRE SAT SUBJECT TEST HISTORY. One can pick and choose what they want to send in.

I have confirmed this by phone in a recorded conversation. Of course, I wrote down the time and date in case of any discrepancy. BUT, it still says on their website that

"In the College Board’s Score Choice module, ensure that all scores are sent to UC. We require all scores and will use the highest scores from a single administration.

For the ACT with Writing test, we will focus on the highest combined score from the same test administration.

For the SAT with Essay, we will focus on the highest total score from a single test date"

I find this so strange that many are getting the answers I got, but the above quote from the website differs. To me, the website implies one must send in entire SAT history (college board score choice module) and not the case with the ACT.

In any event, just passing on information.

I would recommend sending all of your ACT scores or all of your SAT scores. For SAT subject tests, you can use score choice and report only the SAT subject test scores you want since they are not required but “recommended’. You will not be faulted for any low SAT or ACT scores since they will choose the highest score from a single sitting and it is also very rare that students only take these tests once.

I turned in 4 SAT scores, and my last score was actually 100 pts lower than the 3rd. And I still got into UC Berkeley for engineering.
So honestly, it shouldn’t make too much of a difference, and sending all scores is recommended.

I only took one subject test and it was not a good score. can I not submit it on the UC application? Or was I require to report and send score if I have taken the test. thank you.

I only took one subject test Math 2, it was not a good score. Could i not report on my UC application and not send the SAT subject test score?

@piggy734: SAT subject tests are recommended not required, so you do not have to self-report or send in these scores, however since UC’s are all competitive, your fellow applicants will most likely submit SAT subject tests if recommended and it could impact your chances.

My OOS daughter applied to a couple of UC schools and sent scores from 3 ACT tests; however, she has taken it 6 times total (one was a school wide testing w/o writing mandated by the state, 2 others in 10th grade w/o studying for it). ALL scores are recorded on her official high school transcript with the official ACT stickers, so the UC schools have access to all of her official scores by looking at her transcript. Is it still necessary that she send the 2 10th grade ACT tests? The requirements are confusing. She made 30s on both of the 10th grade tests, and they were her lowest scores on every category and composite. She isn’t hiding anything since they are on her transcript. Is it still necessary to send them?

@tmge01: Since one sitting was for school wide testing w/o writing, the UC’s would not consider that test. Since she sent 3 already, I would not worry about the other 2 tests. Although they say you need to send all tests, they still select the highest composite from a single sitting. As long as she sent her highest score, she should be fine. Also the UC’s do not ask for transcripts until the applicant accepts and enrolls, so they will not see those other scores. Exception: UC’s may request transcripts for a supplemental review prior to making a decision so they may see the transcripts prior to an acceptance.

Just a warning: My younger son had both his SAT and ACT scores posted on his HS transcript but only sent his ACT scores which were higher. When he enrolled at San Diego State (yes I know not a UC), they asked for a Mid-year transcript to be submitted. After they reviewed his Mid-year transcript, he got a request to send his official SAT to the school.