<p>I know everyone is anxious and it’s not really unique to be freaking out at this point, but if anyone could maybe chance me… I’d really appreciate it.</p>
<p>GPA: 3.4 (and increasing)
RANK: Top 11%-- 35 of 323
CR- 640
WR- 610
MATH- 500
ACT: 27
ECs:5 years working with students with autism and other disabilities, academic decathlon, theatre, debate, robotics team, volunteer at texas school for the deaf, newspaper staff, choir, writing program by audition at arts school
Essays: I worked pretty damn hard on them, and they honestly spoke a lot about my background; 3 different high schools, history of abuse in family, time spent in homeless shelter, etc.
Recommendations: Sent in four initially (one counselor, two teacher, and a mentor) and have faxed in an extra one since I applied. </p>
<p>Honors/AP courses since freshman year
Senior Year Schedule:
AP LIT, AP PHYSICS, AP ECO, GOVERNMENT (Dual Credit through Community College), Ind. Honors English Study, Academic Decathlon Honors, ASL II, ASL III Honors, AP Art, Speech (required)</p>
<p>Passed AP Language exam with a 4</p>
<p>Upward trend in grades since move out of abusive situation </p>
<p>Perfect attendance senior year, trustee award (top 10% for school year) junior year, voted most likely to succeed, first gen. college student, disadvantaged high school, academic decathlon 7th place essay in state of texas, several debate awards, program manager of the robotics team, assistant stage manager in professional musical production, and several other small awards. </p>
<p>I’ve never seen anyone in my family get into college so I’m anxious-- I’ve been accepted to Michigan State but that really doesn’t compare to BU, which is my top school. I applied to the school of education to be a special education major. </p>
<p>Any thoughts on chances?</p>