already applied worrying about chances

<p>My app seems all fine except for my GPA =/</p>

<p>Male applying as a psych major CAS
ACT: 33 (35 english, 33 math, 33 reading, 31 science)
800 american history
770 bio-E</p>

<p>aps- four 5's, bio, chem, american, go po</p>

<p>senior aps- euro, environmental, language and composition, and psych</p>

<p>ec's: leadership wise i only have: literary magazine - senior editor/writer (we did win a superior ranking from some national thing for literary magazines)
women's issues- basically help women in need/volunteer a little for the middle school (help give kids tours set up small social events for some kids mainly girls)
outdoors club- set up hikes
film- act and help write movies
concert and marching band</p>

<p>i also travel a lot which is mentioned in my resume</p>

<p>Common app essay: basically wrote about my life/my family moved from another country </p>

<p>Recs: should be good to very good</p>

<p>BUT the problem is my GPA which puts me in the 3rd decile of my school and is only 3.85 weighted. we are however the a top public hs if u go by rankings and very competitive (we got 14 kids in last year to cornell) </p>

<p>i do have 1 perk though which is i went to cornell for a summer program i got rec from my professor (who happens to be from my TA absolutely fell in love with the school after it, walking over a waterfall to class everyday in the summer to read early =) im hoping i get to do it again.</p>

<p>what do u guys think? i have a lot of competition from my school</p>

<p>Well, you certainly have a much better shot ED than you do RD. I would peg your ED chance at around 70 percent.</p>

<p>your gpa doesn’t seem that low and your test scores are really high.</p>

<p>haha your family situation sounds so awkard…but also interesting, which can make for a good essay.</p>