Already in at Princeton and Harvard, chances?

<p>kidding. but please chance for: Duke, Vanderbilt, UCLA, Stanford, Princeton, Penn, UNC-Chapel Hill.</p>

Junior, White Female from Georgia, Public Semi-Competitive High School
GPA UW-3.9 GPA W-5.4
SAT's 720 CR 710 M 680 W (2110 Total)
SAT II- World History-700, Plan on taking Math IIC and maybe Spanish this year.
Class Rank-3/~600
Have taken a total of 15 AP Classes, getting a 3 or higher on all the tests
Senior Year Schedule:
AP Calc AB
AP Government
AP Stat
AP Chem
AP Macro
AP Spanish Lit
Debate Honors</p>

-Varsity Swimming 10-12-Team advanced to states two years in a row
-Debate 9-12 most time consuming activity, have it every weekend, attend national and state-wide competitions, student congress
-NFTY (Jewish Youth Group) 9-12 PRETTY MUCH TAKES UP MY LIFE, aside from debate
-Math Club/Competition Team/Honor Society 9-12 <a href="Treasurer,%20VP,%20VP">i</a>*
-Kiwani Jr.'s (Key Club) 10-12 <a href="Secretary,%20VP">i</a>*
-Class Council 9-12 <a href="President%20in%2010th%20and%2011th,%20VP%20in%2012th">i</a>* - Have raised over 9000 dollars throughout the years.
-Spanish Honor Society 10-12 <a href="Treasurer%20in%2012th">i</a>*
-Social Studies Honor Society 10-12 <a href="President%20in%2011th%20and%2012th">i</a>*
-Student Advisory Council 10-12 <a href="Student%20Representative%20of%20the%20School">i</a>*</p>

<p>Community Service
-Did a program every year in which I accumulated 120 hours from.
-Key Club events 200+ hours
-Tutoring for Math Club, and 2 other honor societies 100+ hours.</p>

-Have been going to a sports camp for 9 years now.
-Junior Summer took 2 courses at a community college.
-Freshman Summer went to summer@brown for a 2 week minicourse</p>

<p>Are you applying for financial aid?</p>

<p>yes, i need as much FA as i can get lol.</p>

<p>bumpppp? any opinions?</p>

<p>I have noticed that you don’t have any safeties on your list… was that intentional?
Duke- High Match
UCLA- Match
Stanford -High Match-Low Reach
Princeton- Mid Reach
Penn-Low Reach
UNC-Chapel Hill- High Match-Mid Match</p>

<p>those are my reaches. i applied to 3 safties.</p>

<p>Good luck with everything! You have great stats and will definitely get into a good school. Here are my somewhat conservative chances:</p>

<p>Duke- High match
UCLA- High match (super hard for OOS students but you have a good shot)
Stanford- Super high reach (they love hooked applicants, maybe get your SATs up a bit but otherwise a complete crapshoot)
Princeton- Mid reach
Penn- High reach for Wharton, mid reach for CAS
UNC-Chapel Hill- High match (I don’t know as much about their OOS admissions except that they’re very competitive)</p>

<p>15 AP’s!!! Damn…</p>