Alternate Major Question

I am thinking about majoring in computer science or some type of engineering at the majority of the UCs. My question is, it safe to do this with alternative majors in mind? I want to take the risk and go for Comp Sci and if I don’t get in, I want to have Applied Math (unimpacted) as a backup. Do UCs consider alternate majors (besides UCB and UCLA) after you are rejected from Comp Sci or Engineering?

It may be different at other UC’s. but I spoke with an admissions rep from UCSD who said that major plays no role in getting accepted–they check to see if you qualify for any impacted majors after they’ve decided whether or not you’re accepted. If you aren’t they’ll just put you in your alternate, or they’ll put you in as undecided.

Check the link. The matrix shows which UC’s consider alternate majors.