Alternate majors in UCs

As far as I know, all the UCs besides Berkeley have an option for us to select an alternate major. Under what basis would one be admitted under the alternate major?

If someone is deemed unworthy for their first major, are they automatically considered for their second major? Or are they only considered for their alternate major if there is space available in that major?

For example, at UC San Diego, my #1 major was computer science and my alternate major was cognitive science. Will the adcoms consider me for cognitive science as soon as (if they at all) deem me unworthy for the comp sci major? Or no? if no, why?

Thank you

For UCSD, if your alternate major is not capped like CS, then they will consider your alternate if you do not make into CS.

Thanks! Does that apply to all UCs as well!

No, not all UC’s will consider your alternate major. Each UC has a different policy and it can be vary even within the different colleges of each UC.

Check this UC Freshman matrix and look at the column for alternate majors:

If you really, really want CS, then does it make sense to put down an alternate major? (you also really like UCSD).
Strategically, my S isn’t sure how to handle that. Thanks!

@sunnyschool: UCSD admits into the University first and then into the major. If you do not select an alternate major, then it is possible not to get into CS but accepted as Undeclared. You would then have to try and select another major if you want to attend UCSD, try to change to CS which starting last year was being done by lottery after you completed your pre-req courses or do not attend UCSD. If CS is the only major you are willing to settle for, then do not put down an alternate major and make the decision once the acceptances are posted.