<p>Something interesting happened today. I got a call from a middle market investment bank today saying they want to interview me. I did an online application there but wasn't hoping for much because they specified "finance/accounting majors only" and I obviously am not one.</p>
<p>Being curious, I asked the recruiter why they selected me for interview given the fact that I do not fulfill their major requirement. She said "you know it's interesting, your resume was crossed out on the resume book before even being forwarded to the deal team because you do not fulfill the major requirement. However, an MD passed by an analyst's desk and it so happened the resume book was open on the page where your resume was. The MD himself is an alum and he said he wants to interview you because they don't get many applicants from Michigan. </p>
<p>lol crazy coincidence.</p>
<p>wow awesome. how high paying is that job?</p>
<p>what is a MD?</p>
<p>My guess is managing director or something like that. A manager of some sort.</p>
<p>BC it would be tooooo funny if you got the job…especially since you’re often second guessing the comparative value of a Michigan degree ; )</p>
<p>Out of curiosity, why did you apply for a job that said they didn’t want people of only your major? Obviously it worked out for you in this situation but you wouldn’t have expected anything like that, so why did you apply for it?</p>
<p>bearcats, try not to show your contempt for Michigan…or how you feel that Michigan is beneath you when you meet the MD! hehe!</p>
<p>“BC it would be tooooo funny if you got the job…especially since you’re often second guessing the comparative value of a Michigan degree ; )”</p>
<p>it’s a middle market firm
It’s not like I am very thrilled. I just thought it’s a cool story. Am I thankful? Sure. But let’s not pretend that this is the Harvard/Yale good ole’ boy network either. By the way I am staying put here, aiming for a MSF from princeton or MIT after I graduate. Probably a better use of time anyway.</p>
<p>“Out of curiosity, why did you apply for a job that said they didn’t want people of only your major? Obviously it worked out for you in this situation but you wouldn’t have expected anything like that, so why did you apply for it?”</p>
<p>You will not achieve anything in life if you just blindly not do anything you are not “supposed to”. It takes 5 minutes to fill out an application. What harm can it do? I got interviews from a lot of middle markets who specify they want finance/accounting majors, including robert baird, harris williams and houlihan lokey. </p>
<p>"bearcats, try not to show your contempt for Michigan…or how you feel that Michigan is beneath you when you meet the MD! hehe! "</p>
<p>Don’t worry. Interview face will be on.</p>
<p>“You will not achieve anything in life if you just blindly not do anything you are not “supposed to”. It takes 5 minutes to fill out an application. What harm can it do? I got interviews from a lot of middle markets who specify they want finance/accounting majors, including robert baird, harris williams and houlihan lokey.”</p>
<p>I’ll keep that in mind.</p>
<p>Where do you find these job postings? Do you go through the company’s websites and apply or did you find it on a job postings site, or what?</p>
<p>“it’s a middle market firm It’s not like I am very thrilled. I just thought it’s a cool story. Am I thankful? Sure. But let’s not pretend that this is the Harvard/Yale good ole’ boy network either. By the way I am staying put here, aiming for a MSF from princeton or MIT after I graduate. Probably a better use of time anyway.”</p>
<p>Harvard and Yale’s “good ole’ boy” network isn’t doing so hot these days. One of my father’s best friends (they were roommates when they did their PhD together and he is now a professor at Harvard) told me that over 20% of Harvard undergrads aren’t finding jobs. Those students will be stuck with low level admin work for a year or two before they end up finding real work or enrolling into some sort of graduate school to enhance their employment prospects.</p>
<p>Trust me Bearcats, any form of employment, let alone one with a “middle market” firm, is a blessing these days. </p>
<p>All the best to you on the interview. Keep us posted.</p>
<p>^ What is low level admin job?</p>
<p>also what’s the salary like in middle market firm</p>
<p>“also what’s the salary like in middle market firm”</p>
<p>What’s the salary like at a job in a large corporation?</p>
<p>By “low level admin”, I mean personal assistants to non-senior management and rotational trainees in traditional (non-Financial and non-consunting) businesses. In other words, non-management track postions that pay in the $2,500-$3,000/month range.</p>
<p>BAM! now that’s what I call a true Michigan alum. …We can stay competitive with any alum network–guaranteed</p>
<p>“Harvard and Yale’s “good ole’ boy” network isn’t doing so hot these days.”
That doesn’t change the fact that they are still the most well-connected, powerful and wealthy good ole’ boy network in the world (especially harvard) and will always be at least a notch better than anyone elses’.</p>
<p>“We can stay competitive with any alum network–guaranteed”
Except for HYPSM and Wharton</p>
<p>Anyway is it appropriate for me to ask HR for the actual name of the alum so I could write a email to thank him?</p>
<p>Come on bearcats, why you always gotta rag on Michigan? lol why did you come here from out-of-state then? Give us some credit…we have the LARGEST alumni base in the WORLD. No one can take that away from us. Oh, and also the largest growing endowment as well. Anyone looking forward to us having a bigger endowment than Harvard in like 20 years?
hehe, jk but really</p>
<p>Is it really considered “ragging” to say that Harvard and Yale’s alumni network is more powerful than Michigan’s? It’s just a fact. </p>
<p>Largest alumni base isn’t THE deciding factor considering that it is also less exclusive (more kids asking for help) and in less powerful positions on average. Think about this, Ohio State has a humongous alumni base too, but would you rather rely on a much smaller but powerful harvard alumni base, or Ohio State’s?
btw, Ohio State also claims they have the largest alumni base in the world.</p>