I requested an alumni interview through their online form late into the EA admissions cycle so never got one. I was since deferred so in the middle of January I emailed them again at admission@case.edu for an alumni interview but have not received a response. Is this the correct e-mail address for questions?
Did you request an alumni interview on this link?
+Sign up for an alumni interview if you can’t make it to campus. https://go.case.edu/register/alumniinterview
Yes I did, originally.
Contact your regional admissions person:
+Asking questions not answered on website or in this forum: admission@case.edu
or you can ask the admissions counselor in your area; http://admission.case.edu/contact/admissioncounselors.aspx
Also realize that alumni interviewers are volunteers…there was the whole holiday season and then many people got sick. Also it depends how many alumni are in your area.