Am i A failure

My name is Yaphet i’m 19 years old an am currently taking perquisite classes at a community college i’m am currently enrolled in a read 82 class for winter session how ever i have a feeling i will not be passing this class and will have to retake it again this will be the third time not to mention an English 105 class that i couldn’t afford to retake so now i am stuck not to mention i might not be able to take spring classes because i still owe money for my winter one.and with no job yet i have to rely in financial aid but i don’t even know if they will let me use it if i’m not enrolled in any classes i guess i have no one to blame but my self for being to lazy to do homework or essays. but still idk what to do anymore dose this make me a failure because i sure feel like one

Hi Yaphet. I don’t know what “read 82” class is. But I can tell you that I tell many students (including my own kids) to talk with their academic advisor on campus. Often things are not as bad as they seem. Good luck!

Are you a failure? Definitely not. BUT, you do need to motivate yourself. After all, you will not pass your classes unless you do the homework and essays.

I have known several people who, in their first attempt at college, flunked out. In each of their cases, they got a job. One went into fiberglass boat construction, another drove a truck, etc. After working for a while, they figured out that putting the time into college classes was going to get them ahead faster than the track they were on. They went back to college and were successful because they were motivated to better themselves.

Maybe a similar path awaits you.

You are only a failure when you stop trying to succeed. Don’t give up. That feels worse than making a mistake.