Am I accepted or rejected? What is going on here???

<p>Ok guys, here is the situation:</p>

<p>Some months ago I applied to the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor School of Literature, Science and the Arts for Winter 2009(Which is the coming semester after this holiday break). </p>

<p>I was promptly rejected, it said on my wolverine access account that "your decision will come in the mail" Later, on November 11th, I got the rejection letter.</p>


<p>Today, I got an acceptance letter from UMich. No large packet full of information, just an acceptance letter. When I checked my wolverine access account, it said that "You have accepted admission into Winter 2009". </p>

<p>I dont know...I'm happy that I got accepted (or was I?), but I'm still skeptical that they made a mistake or something. I tried to wait for Monday to make a visit to the admissions office as they are closed on the weekends, but I just can't hold back my anticipation. </p>

<p>If I am accepted, how are they expecting me to prepare in 2 weeks until break is over? Or is UMich just toying with me?</p>

<p>I'm so confused...</p>

<p>ive never heard of that</p>

<p>the fact that they told you at this point i dont think bears much on whether you got in or not</p>

<p>i quite honestly dont know what to think, just wait it out till monday and call first thing…go excersize or something</p>

<p>Just keep quiet and stay accepted =]</p>

<p>Honestly though, it was probably a mistake the first time, and they corrected it.</p>

<p>Wow this actually happened to me when I applied for freshman admission a year ago. I applied to Texas Tech (I was well qualified for it) and I received a decision a couple of weeks later saying I was rejected, blahblah, and they even said so online. Then shortly afterwards I got an acceptance letter and they changed my status online from denied to accepted. The housing and orientation information stuff came after, so I don’t know if they made a mistake at first. I was really shocked when it said I was denied admission when I got into a school better than Tech. But I didn’t plan on going, so I didn’t call and ask *** happened.</p>