i really want to apply to some competitive schools, but I’m afraid I have too many reaches on my list for what I actually have to offer so please be super real with me on my chances (also, if you have any school suggestions, I am super open to them)
Intended Major: International Affairs or Poli Sci if that’s not offered
College List (from reach to safety)
Georgetown (dream!)
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Boston U
University of Oregon
Uunweighted GPA 9-11: 3.87, Weighted: 4.08 (my school does not weigh freshman or sophomore grades, or offer AP classes for those years)
took more and more advanced classes throughout, APs taken by end of senior year include: Enviro, World, Stats, Lit, US plus lots of honors classes
ACT: 34
Extracurriculars: Theatre Tech for 3 shows, Ensemble for 1 show, Leadership 3 yrs in temple youth group, member of International Thespian Society, teacher’s aide at religious school, frosh/soph volleyball 2 yrs (not sure if i’ll include), National Charity League 6 yrs, attended AIPAC conference, semester abroad in Israel
still waiting on AP and Subject Test scores (if you could give me recs for subject tests that would be bomb, i’m terrible at Math Level 2)