am I aiming to high?

<p>ok, stats r basically 1400 SAT, 3.5 UW GPA, little/no EC's, applying to Maryland - College Park, penn state, NYU, Case Western Reserve, UMBC, and was gonna do hopkins but gave up on that. any advice on what's a match, safety, reach? thanks.</p>

<p>u'll prob get into umcp, umbc, penn state, and apply to hopkins just to try.</p>

<p>The schools that you're applying to shouldn't be a problem, maybe NYU, but still apply ! :-D</p>

<p>do you live in Balto city? if u do, ud get into hopkins</p>

<p>You're chances are great to fine at all of those.</p>

<p>i already missed the deadline for hopkins cause i was sure i wouldnt have anywhere near what it takes to get in..was this a mistake?</p>

<p>i personally think i'd be happiest at college park anyway, and im hoping to get some merit aid from them (dunno if i actually will or not), but i really wanted to see if i could get into hopkins sicne i wanna do pre-med and all..thanks.</p>