Am I challenging myself enough?

Hello! I’m currently a junior and I was wondering of my junior and senior year schedules were rigorous enough for college admissions.

My junior year schedule is below:
IB Biology SL
IB Pre-Calc
IB Chemistry SL
IB Psychology SL
IB English 3
IB Spanish 3
Honors Financial Literacy (1st semester)
TOK (2nd Semester)

For my senior year I’m expecting to take the following classes.
IB Biology HL
IB Chemistry HL
IB World Lit. HL
IB Spanish 4 SL
SL AP Calc. AB
Honors Government

I am little worried that I’m not taking enough AP classes. Would colleges be concerned if I don’t take a lot of them? I’ve taken APUSH during sophomore year and I wanted to take AP Art History but my counselor said it wouldn’t work with my schedule. Do you think my schedule is good, should I be taking more AP classes?

I can’t possibly see where you think you can stick in another AP class. The schedule as presented is more than rigorous enough.

Most students would be very challenged by that course load. Some others, though not many, wouldn’t be challenged much at all. Are you challenging yourself enough? Only you can answer that.

Agree with Sherpa, only you know if you amajorre sufficiently challenged academically. If you are concerned that you could do more academically, your GC could probably assist you determine an appropriate level of challenge. If you are academically successful with your current schedule but think you could do more, then read to improve reading skills and broaden your horizons. Challenging should hav.e merit beyond pounding your head against rocks and then taking another AP to see if it hurts more. If you are concerned about the number and distribution of AP classes by students admitted by specific schools. If your profile matches preferred schools, then stop. I hope you understand that taking AP classes is an opportunity to learn more and not the accumulation of additional academic poker chips.