Am I going to get rescinded or lose my scholarship?

So I was accepted to Purdue and received the Presidential Scholarship. This semester there is a serious risk I could get a D in my AP Statistics class, if I do will I either lose my scholarship or be totally rescinded? I called the Office of Admissions and was told I only needed to maintain a 3.0 cumulative to retain my scholarship, and that my senior year second semester grades would also be reviewed. If I get a D but still have a GPA above the 3.0 threshold will I still face serious consequences? Please help if any of you know, because I am on the verge of panic.

Ok. So don’t panic.

Do you have a local representative for your school? If so call them. If not call Purdue again and get the name of the admissions person you speak to. Confirm until you are comfortable about a “D” and a 3.0. Make sure that you understand the criteria.
Don’t hang up until you do.
Also go to your AP Stats teacher and get some help. That’s just crazy to get a D in that class. Tell your teacher it’s important and you need support.

Don’t panic.

This is what college is about, take responsibility and get answers until they suit you!
You’ll be fine…I can tell!