am i good for admission?

High School Junior (rising senior) at a catholic school in New York

Hooks: I am a URM (Hispanic), a first generation college student, and I’m also adopted

SAT I (breakdown): 2400 (no need for subscores lol)

ACT (breakdown): not taking

SAT II:, us 750 , math 2 740 Lit 730 bio 750

Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.7

Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): school doesnt rank

Course Rigor: Frosh- Stage Band Honors, Integrated Geometry Advanced (took Algebra 1 in middle school).
Sophmore- Biology Honors and Global History Honors,
Junior Year: APUSH

AP: US - 4

IB (place score in parenthesis): not available at my school

Senior Year Course Load: AP Lit AP Government Honors Calculus Honors Physics

Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Nothing aside from National Honor society and foreign language honor society


Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): 150-200 volunteer hours, golf team, bodybuilding, peer tutoring 4 yrs of band, National Honor Society, Foreign Language Honor Society

Job/Work Experience: 3 different jobs in three different businesses

Summer Activities: Worked 20 hrs per week summer of freshmen year
worked 30-35 hours per week summer of soph year
Summer of Junior year got 100 hours of service volunteering at a nursing home

Essays: Extremely strong have been working on them for many months

To where? Binghamton? LOL. You’re kidding right?

I see. You’ve lined up a bunch of threads and Binghamton would be your safety. You seem strong for the other schools you are inquiring about but don’t forget that you should be applying only to schools you’d be willing to attend.

I know i would be willing attend bing. i just don’t count on getting into an ivy or any other prestigious school because of my below average gpa


lol never good to count on IVYS but you surely will get into competitive schools. And I’d consider places that will give you merit for your safeties What would your weighted GPA be? What courses did you do less well in? 3.7 seems pretty good still.

bigdreamer is being realistic. The other schools chosen may ding for the 3.7, or some may not. Good safety:). Bing has a great business program if you end up needing to go. Good luck this fall!

A great business school? Really? A strong Hispanic students with excellent but not perfect grades and perfect SATs with work experience? He’s (or she’s) not Binghamton bound!

They have a great program. It’s not Wharton, but it is a good curriculum. You seem very down on Binghamton.

A 3.7 is not necessarily below average. There are still people who make it into ivies with 3.7’s.

^Absolutely! It is sad that ppl have to feel anything less than 4.0 is not worthy!

I agree OP has a chance at ivies but if he just applied to Harvard, chances are higher than not he would end up at no school. I think having a safety is great.

Everyone should have a safety, when dealing with ivies and other top schools there is no guarantee that one will get in.

Wow, my Hispanic valedictorian high-GPA/SAT roommate will be so disappointed to learn that she wasn’t “Binghamton-bound”…despite the fact that she went to Binghamton…and was incredibly successful…crazy…

Yes I am not a fan of Binghamton. Yes, there are strong Hispanic students at any school. But this student won’t end up at Binghamton. I suppose we will know in about a year. The student has posted threads about Chicago, Stanford, Duke, Notre Dame, Penn, Boston College, Harvard, and Brown. Based on the list and the student’s credentials, it seems unlikely that the student will end up in Binghamton. I would have said that the chances are great that the student would end up at Binghamton had the student posted threads for SUNY Oswego, Plattsburgh, Cortland, Buffalo State, Potsdam. Had those been the options, I’d say it’s likely that the student would select Binghamton. Given the focus of the OP’s list, I would guess that Binghamton is a safety and less desirable to the OP than the others. Chances are the OP won’t end up there. Hopefully. Since that would mean the OP was rejected from all the others. That would not be cause for celebration. I’m sure not all Hispanic Valedictorians with high GPAs and perfect SATs that attend Binghamton were rejected from all the other schools they applied to. But, I don’t think that is an issue for the OP. If you do, perhaps you can advise the OP about how to avoid that.

That does not mean that Binghamton would be undesirable to someone or anyone else, by the way. Just that this particular student appears to have a list of schools that he/she prefers over Binghamton.