Am I Hispanic or Mexican American?

<p>My mom was born in mexico, my dad in el salvador, and myself in the u.s. So am i hispanic or Mexican american??</p>

<p>thank you</p>

<p>Can't you be both?</p>

<p>Why couldn't you also be El Salvadorian-American?</p>

<p>You are Hispanic AND Mexican-American AND ES-American.</p>

<p>Hispanic is an umbrella category that includes all Spanish speaking (and sometimes Brazilian) cultures. Within Hispanic there are the various countries of origin, of which you have two in your background.</p>

<p>Yes, both: (See wikipedia) - Mexican Americans are Americans of Mexican descent. They account for 9% of the country's population: 28.3 million Americans listed their ancestry as Mexican as of 2006. They form the largest Hispanic or Latino group in the United States,[1] and contain the largest group of White Hispanic and Latino Americans.[2] Most Mexican Americans ultimately descend from a combination of Europeans,[3][4] especially Spaniards, and the Indigenous peoples of Mexico. Most Mexican American settlement concentrations are in metropolitan and rural areas across the United States, usually in the Southwest</p>

<p>so which would i check on college apps and stuff?? because the other day my class and i were filling out the ap info packets and there was an option for both hispanic and mexican american.</p>

<p>Did it limit you to only checking one or could you have checked mex-am and other hispanic, filling in the el salvador?</p>

<p>The CA lets you mark all that apply, so you could indicate both M-A and Hispanic/Lationo, country, ES.</p>

<p>I'm not sure if the SAT gives you the option of multiple choices.</p>

<p>you're both, as am i :)</p>

<p>it is important to understand that one; hispanic - is an ethnicity and the other; Mexican-American is a nationality.
Hispanic means that you share a spanish or spaniard culture. E.g. Many latin american countries, portuguege countries and Spain all have individuals of hispanic background; owever, their nationalities differ.
Do you have American Status? yes; thus you are american. do you have mexican status? yes, thus you are also mexican. do you have el salvadorian status? yes, you are also salvadorian.
Therefore if you have rights to all 3 countries you are a el salvadorian-mexican-american.</p>



<p>By ‘status’ and ‘rights’ do you mean citizenship status? If so, you country of origin does not necessarily have to be connected with nationality in the sense of having citizenship status. One can be ‘whatever’-American with or without citizenship in ‘whatever’ country.</p>

<p>WEll I would say you are an AMERICAN but will likely get some special status</p>

<p>I disagree that Hispanic is an ethnicity, then how can you have people of all races be described as Hispanic. Hispanic is a culture. Dillbilly you are Hispanic, you can choose which nationality you prefer. You are an American first. I am of the Latin culture, same as the Italians, but we are all Americans.</p>



<p>Please read post #1 of the Definition sticky thread to understand the definitions of ethnicity and race.</p>

<p>Please do not dig up old posts and reply, this OP has not posted for over a year.</p>
