Am I in trouble?

<p>I applied ED II and made the stupidest mistake of giving my counselor the Emory paper application secondary report and recommendation form rather than the Common App rec form. Will this affect anything? Will they not accept this?</p>

<p>You should email admissions immediately and tell them this, so you can hear from them directly. In case you have to have the common app form, you could always get that to your counselor and turn it in as soon as possible. This is acceptable as long as your app has been turned in on time.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>I did the same thing except backwards. I went ahead and got all my recs done in September… all on the common app one. And now I decided to the Emory direct application.</p>

<p>But it doesn’t matter. I mean really, would it? Only the design is different. The information is still all the same.</p>

<p>What if I haven’t turned in the early agreement form yet? Can I just send that right when school starts?</p>

<p>yeah, you should be able to. I would be safe and turn in both (common app rec and ED agreement form) as soon as possible.</p>