<p>Out of desperation I'm here and I made a really big mistake. I applied to Emory as Early Decision II and I meant to click Regular Decision!</p>
<p>I really love Emory but it's not my first choice and now I'm worried. I definitely did print/preview it but I was focusing on my essay and short answer. =( I can't believe I messed up.</p>
<p>They give you the contract in a PDF and it says to sign and mail it to them but I haven’t touched anything else. -___- Ugh. And I called them just now but they don’t open till Monday.</p>
<p>I don’t know if I’m going to be “fine.” =/ I didn’t sign the contract and I haven’t submitted my supplement. </p>
<p>I’m not sure what to do. I emailed them already and I plan on calling monday morning but I still feel flustered. I can’t think of anything else I can do. =|</p>
<p>Right. ED is a binding CONTRACT. You have not signed the CONTRACT. It’s an unofficial ED application, sure, but it’s just that, 100% unofficial. It’s official once you sign the contract. Just call Monday.</p>
<p>You haven’t signed the contract, don’t worry. I believe an ED application also requires the parent’s/guardian to also sign off on it. As long as you haven’t signed it, you should be fine. It is important that you follow up ASAP and let them know that you never intended to apply ED but rather intended to apply RD. It’s good that you emailed them ASAP–print and keep a hard copy of the email just in case.</p>
<p>Call as soon as they open and let them know. Everything should be fine. Don’t worry.</p>
<p>It will be okay once I call and get it fixed but I’m mad at myself. I got hasty and even though I know it will get corrected I feel irresponsible.</p>
<p>It’s OK. It was just a mistake and has nothing to do with being irresponsible. The fact that you noticed the mistake early and you have all ready emailed them regarding it shows responsibility. It’ll be fine. Just make sure you print any email correspondences with them and follow up on Monday with a phone call. They will not hold this against you. Relax and enjoy the rest of the week.</p>
<p>Did you recently submit the application—within the past couple of days?</p>
<p>I have bought airline tickets with wrong date, that’s harder to untangle than this ED business. It’s very easy to make mistake online. They won’t hold you to it. Have a happy New Year.</p>
<p>Okay. Thanks guys. I just feel embarrassed and I know I’m going to feel even more embarrassed when I call. Man, these applications are driving me nuts. ehhaaha :]</p>
<p>If they dont receive the ed agreement I believe they just throw you in at the regular applicant pool. Thats what Vandy does, at leasy they threatened to because I hadnt sent it in yet.</p>