Am I screwed?

My total cumulative gpa (9-11) is 3.77 uw/4.64 weighted (top 10%), while my UC Gpa (10-11) is 3.91 uw/4.27 capped weighted/4.64 uncapped weighted. I got 2 C’s in Freshman year in geometry, and my grades weren’t great because of a family death. Since UC’s look at total cumulative gpa as well as UC Gpa, am I basically screwed for UC Berkeley and UCLA? Also, is UC Gpa solely for eligibility purposes or is it used for admissions purposes?

don’t know the rest of your stats but, from a gpa perspective, you’ll be competitive at all of the UCs.

UC’s will look at all grades 9-11th to make sure you passed the a-g courses, but they will use your UW UC GPA, capped weighted and fully weighted for admission consideration. Your UC GPA is competitive. Now if the rest of your application is equally competitive, then UCLA and UCB are possible.

You’ve essentially posted the same question 5 times in the last 2 months, and the same posters have responded with the same answers. I’m not sure what you are trying to get at.