Chance of admission to UC Berkeley or UCLA?

Just out of curiosity, if a UC applicant had a 4.08 UC capped GPA, 3.75 UC UW, and a 4.33 UC Weighted, BUT they got a 1550 or higher on the SAT, do you think this applicant would have a chance at admission to UC Berkeley or UCLA?

Please let me know thanks

there is quite a bit of subjectivity that goes into admissions at those schools. Your capped GPA is below their average but, lots of applicants are admitted with your stats. You should certainly apply if you want to go there. Because they are hard to predict, you really need to cast a wide net. Include some less competitive UCs, I’d also apply to a couple CSUs, SDSU and CSULB or others depending on your major and what you are looking for in a college experience.
Keep an open mind and have fun with the process.
Good luck.

I think they would have a chance but it will depend on several factors.

  1. Intended major
  2. HS course rigor
  3. SAT subject test scores if recommended
  4. In-state, OOS or International
  5. Subjective criteria: Essays, EC’s, Awards, Special Talents/Extenuating circumstances
  6. First Generation
  7. ELC eligibility

Capped weighted is below the average of 4.23. With a 4.08 Capped weighted GPA based on last years 2018 admit rate and not major specific was around 10%.

Also UC’s tend to be more GPA focused vs. test focused.