<p>I just remember that I put my first language on a common apps optional section as Chinese because I thought it meant the first language I learned. But I just learned that it's suppose to be my best language. Will I rejected because the adcoms think I am poor at English and needs a TOFEL test even though my ACT english/reading scores were both 33s and my grades in English classes were mostly A's (2 AP and 2 honors)?</p>
<p>I did that too…now you just got me worried. But it shouldn’t affect anything, I don’t think. Hopefully? I mean they would have contacted you if they found a problem with your app wouldn’t they?</p>
<p>Don’t worry about it. I put Vietnamese down as my first language. Remember, the key word here is first language IF other than english. So if you speak Chinese at the same level as you speak English, it won’t be a problem.</p>
<p>i don’t think that’ll be a problem. i put down a different language, thinking that they were asking for first language as well. but i speak that language just as well as i do English. don’t worry! :]</p>
<p>Thank you guys! I was about to have a heart attack…</p>
<p>yeah i think i put that too
if anything hopefully my SAT I score in critical reading will convince them that I do not need to take the TOEFL</p>
<p>You are perfectly fine. With an ACT score of 33? Thats 2 higher than mine and English is my first language. I didn’t even get A’s in my English classes although I took AP English Language and taking AP English Literature. Take it easy. You’ll probably get in. Although you didn’t give us your GPA. That’s an important factor to.</p>
<p>Well my stats are in my stats profile. But ya I contacted them and they said as long as I have at least a permanent resident card (green card), I am fine.</p>