<p>Okay, So, I have a dual citizenship (U.S. and another country)..and I came here several years ago without knowing English. But, I got out of ESOL in middle schoo and took all honors language arts classes throughout high school except for this year cause I'm taking AP Lit. But, on the website, it says "The University of Washington requires all undergraduate students whose first language is not English AND who are not U.S. citizens to demonstrate English language proficiency." Okay, so, my native language is not Engish, meaning I have to demonstrate my English proficiency, correct? (because it's AND not OR)what are the "Minimum scores"? Are they referring to the SAT scores, Toefl scores, or others?? I'm so confused. On the SAT, I got something like 550, and well I have an A or B+ in AP Lit. DO I HAVE TO TAKE TOEFL?! If so, I have to sign up for it like RIGHT NOWWW. ahhhhhhhh. hELP!!</p>
<p>I would call the Office of Admissions tomorrow to clarify this, but be sure to be calm about it. :D</p>
<p>I wish I could..I wish I had known about this earlier..<em>sigh</em> I hate my careless self....I think that today's the last day to register for January TOEFL..life sucks......lol</p>
<p>I would think that being in AP English would be enough to prove your English "proficiency."
Please try to relax, if your English is good enough to call up the admissions office and tell them your situation. I'm sure taking the TOEFL would be a bit silly...</p>
<p>You say you are a US citizen (although dual with your original country), so it may be a non-issue just because of that. But do call and find out.</p>
<p>"students whose first language is not English AND who are not U.S. citizens "</p>
<p>Thanks everyone!! :o)</p>
<p>hey i think i checked that not long before i applied. i think one requirement for SAT is that CR over 490(i bet you got that).</p>
<p>So did you call? What did they say?</p>
<p>Moominmama- Yes, I did! I'm sorry I hadn't checked College Confidential in a long time. They said that because I have been in the U.S. for several years, I do not need to take any english proficiency tests. Thanks for your reply.</p>
<p>magicalchris- Yes, my CR score went up a lot from 550, again. So, definitely over 490. :)</p>